Breaking Dawn Part 1

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We were over at the Cullen's house. Bella was trying to walk in her wedding heels. She was scrapping the heel and almost lost her balance a couple of times. I was excellent in my heels even though I never wore any.

"Um, you just have to break them in." Alice tells Bella.

"I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just go barefoot?" Bella asks.

"No, absolutely not."

"No, if I have to wear heels then so are you." I tell Bella.

"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this." We see Zack and Carlisle walking by carrying benches on their shoulders.

"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect."

Emmett walks by carrying a log, "Where do you want them, boss?"

"On either side of the aisle." Alice answers him.

Rosalie walks by carrying a stump, "what aisle?"

"Does no one have vision?" Alice leaves to help and Bella puts her shoes on. We look up to see Edward and Jasper looking out at the yard. Alice walks in front of us and our focus was back on her. "You two go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order."

"Okay." We say and hug her. We left the Cullen's house and went home. I was packing up my things into boxes. I sat on my bed and picked up a picture frame. It had my sister and I on it.

"Wish you were here with mom." I say. I felt the wind on my face and turned seeing Jasper standing in my room.

"What's wrong?" Jasper asks as he felt my sadness.

"Just wishing that my mom and sister would be here for the wedding tomorrow."

"They will be there tomorrow you just wont be able to see them." He tells me.

I smiled at Jasper,"Thank you Jazz, you always know what to say." I gave him a kiss and then heard a whistle coming from outside. "What was that?" I asked and we walked into bella's room.

"Come on! Let's go!"

"We're late for our bachelor party." Edward tells us.

Emmett appears in the window, "Send them out, Bella, Malia, or we're coming in after them." Emmett jumps down.

"So this party. Will it have strippers?" We laughed.

"No, just a couple of mountain lions. Maybe a few bears." Jasper says.

Zack appears in the window, "Dont worry, bella, we'll have him back in plenty of time." Zack jumps down.

"Okay, go before they break our house." I say as we walked to the window.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

I turn to Jasper, "See you in a couple of hours."

"Counting on it." Jasper kisses me and then jumps out of the window with Edward. We lean out of the window and watch them mess around before leaving.

"We're going to have one last sleepover." I tell Bella and she nods.

I turn out a light and we both got into her bed, Bella turns off the other light. We are in complete darkness.

"Goodnight Miss Swan."

"Goodnight Miss Tate."

We both laugh and got comfortable before falling asleep.

The nexted morning Alice came and got us. When we got to the Cullen's house Alice had us sitting in chairs. Rose was doing my hair and alive was doing Bella's make-up.

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