Chapter 8: Announcement of European Cheerleading competition for Sendai 2015

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The president of the United States, Barack Obama was devastated by the recent Tojiki earthquake that hit Sendai, Japan several days ago. He wanted something that could bring the victims of the recent calamity hoy ad that they would seek happiness from themselves.

He made a scheme that the five continents of the world will have a sort of competition for each country in that specific continent. For Austalia, it will be a musical play of Broadway's "The King and I". Here is Obama's final plan for it:

Asia: Asian Choir competition for Sendai 2015

Africa: African Instrumental music competition for Sendai 2015

North America: North American Art competition for Sendai 2015

South America: South American Beauty pageant competition 2015

Europe: European Cheerleading competition for Sendai 2015

Australia: Musical play of Broadway's "The King and I"

Obama wishes that his proposal will be committed in order to know the value of making people happy and bringing them joy.

It had been announced throughout the world that people had knowlege about Obama's proposed scheme for the victimes of the recent Tojiki earthquake.

Krystal is watching the news about Obama's scheme for the victims of the Tojiki earthquake. She gets updated on what Europe will do.

"Cheerleading competiton for Europe, sounds good." Krystal told herself.

A couple of hours later, Krystal used her laptop to check BBC News for current announcements. She saw an announcement from the UK's best cheerleading coaches, Ms. Dame Emma Ruston and Ms. Dame Farah Bloom who are holding an audition for those interested to join the European Cheerleading competition for Sendai 2015 to serve as the UK's representatives for the occasion. The audition will have three rounds: the first round, second round, then the final round. Those who pass the final round will officially become the UK's cheerleaders for the European Cheerleading competition for Sendai 2015. They will only choose 30 people who will pass the final round that they will be the UK's cheerleaders/ cheerdancers for the event. Requirements are: Female, 14-17 years old, from England only, has experience/d joining cheerleading competitions from the past or present, excellent/ has high quality skills both in dancing and cheerleading. For those who want to apply, go to

Krystal was interested to join that she messaged Hazel.

Krystal: Hazel! I'm interested to join the European Cheerleading competition for Sendai 2015 as the UK's representatives. Do you want to join too?

Hazel: I would like to join as well, Krystal. Have you asked your parents yet?

Krystal: Oh, not yet. I'll ask.

Hazel: I'll ask too. Hope they agree.

Hazel and Krystal asked their parents if they can join. Fortunately, their parents reluctantly agreed with the decision as Hazel and Krystal showed the details to their own parents.

Krystal: My parents agreed! Yay!

Hazel: Hey! Mine too, hon!

Krystal: Let's apply already since both our parents agreed.

Hazel: Sure, let's do it.

Hazel and Krystal went to the site where they can apply. They start applying then they get their audition numbers when they were finished applying. Hazel's audition number was #22 while Krystal's was #23.

Hazel: What's your audition number? Mine is #22.

Krystal: #23. Can we start practising for the audition the day after tomorrow in your house? The audition will be several weeks from now so we have to start practising ahead of time.

Hazel: Sure, we can practise. I'll think of steps now.

Krystal: Okay.

Hazel and Krystal thought of steps right away to prefare for the audition. They will audition as a duo. They wish to be one of the UK's representatives for the European Cheerleading competition for Sendai 2015. That is a good thing to be proud of since they will be representing their country. They hope to be one of the 30 people who will pass the final round. They will exert their best effort and full potential in three rounds of of audition in order to be one of the UK's representatives/ cheerleaders/ cheerdancers in the European Cheerleading competition for Sendai 2015.

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