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Warning: My stories are not for sensitive audiences or young kids. I don't want anyone to come complaining to me about what is put into my stories. If you're sensitive to self harm, suicide, death or any other dark things, I recommend not reading close to any of my stories.

"Wow, Kacchan! That's your quirk? It's so cool! You're sure to be a great hero now!"

"Of course I'm gonna be a hero, stupid Deku."

"Kacchan, I told you to stop calling me that..."


"Just give it up, kid. You're quirkless"

Izuku freezes in his seat.

"M-mom? D-do you think I can s-still be a he-her-ro?" Izuku stutters, wiping his face full of snot and tears

"Oh Izuku, I'm so sorry"
Izuku's mother goes to give him a hug. That's not what he wants to hear.

"If you want a quirk so badly, do yourself and the world a favor and take a swan dive off the roof, hope you get a quirk in your next life."

"Haha haha"

"I'm sorry kid. It's alright to have dreams, but let's be real, you can't be a hero without a quirk."

All Might turns around to leave.

Wind blows through Izuku Midoriya's hair while he stands on top of a two story building. His old middle school, to be exact.

He's had enough. Enough of everyone looking down on him and hurting him. Can't even trust his used to be hero. The only person Izuku can really look to for help is his mother, and even she isn't in any better condition then him.

Izuku knows what he is about to do is dumb and maybe even selfish.

'There must be hundreds of other people out there with worse lives than you'

A voice whispers to Izuku, a voice he soon realizes is his own.

It takes Izuku a few moments to realize that he is just standing on the roof of his old middle school. Izuku decides to put things into action. Taking his shoes off, he places them behind where he is standing.

Izuku feels no need to make a note.

No need to explain what he is about to do.

No one will miss him.

Sure his mom will be sad, but she has Mitsuki, Katsuki's mother.

She's strong.

Izuku walks to the edge of the building and that's when the weight of this whole situation finally crashes down on top of him.

'Oh god. I'm about to kill myself.'

Izuku's vision gets blurry as he realizes he's crying, tears rolling down his freckled cheeks and onto the ground before him.

Izuku takes a deep breath.

'You have to do this'

'You'll make so many other people happy'

'You might even get a quirk in your next life like Kacchan said'

Izuku smiles and breaths out, putting a shaky leg in front of him.

'Do it'

'Do it'



Izuku closes his eyes as wind blows in his face.

'You'll finally do it'

Izuku smiles shakily as tears flow freely down his freckled cheeks. Izuku closes his eyes, feeling his eyelashes get wet with tears.

'You're a hero now, Izuku'

'You can't bother anyone else with your existence'

Izuku, before any thoughts can flow through his mind, leans forward with his arms stretched out wide.

A smile stretches across his face.



He can hear yelling, crying, sirens.




'Who is yelling, why?'

'Why is someone crying, what for?'

'Why is there an... ambulance?'

He opens his eyes before closing them again due to the brightness of the outside.

'What going on?'

He tries opening his eyes again. He can't see very well, everything is blurry. However, he can see just enough to make out the small figure of his mother.

He can see her eyes.

'Is she the one who's crying?'

His eyes close again. Why is he so tired?

He opens his eyes again, looking into his mother's wide green eyes. He tries to look around, to get somewhat of an idea of what's going on.

He looks back up to his mother. He- Izuku tries to speak, to get his mother's attention.

"W-... mo-.. I- mom wh- where-??"

Izuku coughs roughly, making his mother quickly turn her attention to him.

She stops talking, Izuku hasn't realized she had been doing that before.

"Shhh, Izuku... you're going to be okay, I promise." She moves to put her hand on his cheek. She smiles warmly, though it looks forced.

Izuku tries to smile back, but movement is getting hard for him. Izuku slowly and shakily brings his hand up over to his cheek, placing it over his mother's warm hand.

Each time Izuku blinks he can feel his exhaustion growing.

'Why is it so cold?'

Izuku let's out a wheeze, regaining his mother's attention.


He wants to respond. But he can't. His eyes open half way, barely looking at his mother.


She's worried. 'Why wont you speak?' Izuku's hand slowly leaves his mother's.


Tears start streaming down her face, Izuku can tell. Izuku feels his own eyes get wet from tears. He forces a smile, eyes closing.

Opening his eyes once again, Izuku mouths three words, only ones his mother can tell, words that make her heart ache. She looks down at Izuku sadly.

'I love you'

He closes his eyes.

His world goes blank.

𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙 [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now