Chapter 5

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After making dinner, Izuku and Inko sit at the table and eat together. They ask questions about each other's day but the table was mostly silent.

After eating, Izuku and Inko go separate ways and head to their own rooms.

Izuku shuts his room door and gets onto his bed to lay day. He feels much better after his walk to the park and cooking with his mom.

Izuku checks his phone before plugging it up and putting it on the nightstand next to his bed. Izuku pulls the covers over himself and closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Izuku jumps awake. Was it a bad dream? He doesn't remember. Izuku sits up on his elbow and grabs his phone off the nightstand. He turns on his phone phone but quickly goes to turn down the brightness of his phone before he goes blind. Izuku checks the time to see that it is 3AM.

Izuku has at least three hours until it is time for him to get up and get ready for school. Izuku turns off his phone and puts it back down. He's not tired anymore so he doesn't have anything to do at all but sit and wait for time to pass.

Izuku stares at the ceiling with wide eyes, mind blank. He eventually drifts back off to sleep, closing his eyes.

Izuku awakes to an annoying beeping sound. He squints his eyes open slightly then closes them. There is light coming in through the windows and it's almost blinding. Izuku flutters his eyes open again and blinks repeatedly.

Izuku finally opens his eyes like a normal person and looks over to the source of the beeping sound. His alarm clock.
Izuku sits up and turns off his alarm clock before laying down again.

Izuku eventually sits up and exits his bed to get ready for school. Izuku goes to his closet and pulls out his uniform.

Izuku sets it on the edge of his bed. He pulls his blanket and starts folding it around and setting it neatly next to his pillow.

Izuku then starts to undress. He pulls off his shirt, replacing it with the one for his uniform. Izuku then pulls down his sleep shorts and pulls on his uniform pants.

Izuku grabs his phone and his bag. He puts his phone in his pocket, pulls his backpack over his shoulder and leaves the room.

Izuku walks into the bathroom, which is a few steps away from his own room. Izuku turns on the light and turns to the mirror.

He looks like shit. His skin is pale and his freckles stand out more then he'd like them to. He has dark bags underneath his eyes and he looks like he's been crying- he knows he will be later on in the day for sure. Izuku twists the handle on the sink and turns it on. Izuku puts his hands under the running water. Then he brings them up to his face, splashing it with water. Izuku shakes his head a bit.

Izuku grabs his green toothbrush and toothpaste. Izuku opens the container of mint flavored toothpaste and squirts the creamy substance onto his toothbrush.

Izuku runs his toothbrush under the water before bringing it up to his mouth. Izuku brushes his teeth and tounge.

Izuku then pulls the toothbrush out of his mouth and spits into the sink, the water washing it away immediately. Once Izuku gets all of the toothpaste that came off his brush out of his mouth, he puts the toothbrush under the water, so whatever saliva or toothpaste that was left over can go down the drain.

Izuku licks his lips and turns off the sink.  Izuku stares at himself in the mirror once again.

Izuku is pushed into the lockers as soon as he steps foot into the school building. He falls onto the ground with a cough.

"Look at me, Deku." A voice rings in his ears. Izuku slowly looks up to see Katsuki, a boy with flat brown hair, and one with a darker brown shaved hair style. They all tower over Izuku with wide smiles.

The one with the shaved hair starts speaking. "We didn't like that stunt you pulled yesterday, Deku. We're going to have to punish you for it."

Katsuki smacks his palms together, making a somewhat big explosion go off. The explosion was bug enough to give Izuku slight burns, but not big enough to give him any permanent damage.

The boys then start to kick at Izuku and punch him.

The boys don't bother using their quirks, even thought quirks are what started the whole mess. But then again, their quirks, other then Katsuki's, would be pretty useless in this kind of situation.

One boy's quirk only allows him to make his fingers longer, while the other kid has big red wings that stick out of his back.

Izuku brings up his arms to cover his face.he doesn't want to get bruised anywhere that would be noticed by his mom. Then he would have to lie and Izuku doesn't like lying to his mom.

The kicking, punching, and occasional burning is eventually interrupted by the bell, signaling that the boys must head to their classes. The boys stop kicking, but don't leave.

"Don't think we're done with ya, Deku! We'll beat your ass at lunch  if we have to." Katsuki says, smoke coming from his palms.

The other boy, the flat haired one, starts speaking. "Yeah! You're only safe because of the bell, don't get your hopes up." And with that, the boys leave to get to their classes, leaving Izuku on the ground to catch his breath.

Izuku takes a deep breath. That could have gone alot worse. Izuku's left arm hurts. Probably because the boy directed most of their attacks there. Maybe they were thinking it would effect his writing, but he's left handed. Izuku pushes down on one certain spot that hurts a little more than the other spots. Izuku winces and pulls up his sleeve to see that the area is already bruising.

Izuku pulls his sleeve back down and quickly stands up, pulling his bag back onto his back. He then starts walking down the hall to hell.


Izuku enters the classroom last. The late bell hasn't rung yet but Izuku knows the teacher will get on him just because.
"You're late, Midoriya." Came the lazy voice of the teacher from across the room.

Izuku is quick to apologize. "I-I'm sorry. I had a bit of trouble on my way to class. Izuku glances at Katsuki for a second. However a second is just long enough for the two to lock eye and make eye contact. Izuku quickly looks away from the burning red gaze.

"I'm not looking for excuses, Midoriya. Go take your seat before I give you something to be sorry about." The teacher waves around a thick packet. It's obviously for Izuku. Despite how good Izuku's grades and behavior is in all classes, all of the teachers hate him.

Izuku scrambles to his seat, right behind Katsuki. Izuku hangs his backpack on the back of his seat and grabs his pencil and notebook from inside the bag. Izuku turns around and sets his things down as the lesson starts.

"Now we can start the lesson."

Izuku stays in his seat when the lunch bell rings. The class he is in now doesn't have the two other guys in it do they'll be coming in a bit later. Katsuku stands up and walks over to Izuku, towering over him.

Nothing needs to be said as an explosion is set off next to Izuku's face. His ears ring for a bit but other than that, he's fine. The other boys aren't too far behind from the "party". they both walk up to Katsuki and Izuku and get ready to push him around a bit more.

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