Chapter 6

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Izuku sits on his bed with his head in his hands. He doesn't know what to do anymore. Summer has started and he's still getting picked on. The kids who bullied him found out where he lives- most likely from Katsuki, and tricked Inko into believing that they were all friends. They even pulled their arms over Izuku's shoulder and laughed with him. Though the laughing was more at him then with. Izuku couldn't say anything about it because it made his mom so happy that he was making friends again. 

Izuku sighs as the events that happened earlier play in his mind again.


"Hey, Midoriya! How've ya been?" A  brown haired boy says to Izuku as he and a few others are let inside by an innocent Inko.

Izuku looks down awkwardly and stutters out an answer. "I- I've been well. Y-you?" Izuku looks up and at the boy, careful not to anger him. Izuku almost falls when an arm is thrown over his shoulder roughly. Izuku hears the door close and the request his mother makes for him and the boys not to make a mess.

"Yes ma'am! C'mon, Mido-man" The boy drags Izuku through the hallway and into his room, closing and locking the door behind themselves.

The boys turn to Izuku with a smile on each of their faces. "I hope we didn't make you think we were actual buddies, did we?" One boy says, putting his hands together with a smile. Izuku quickly shakes his head in fear. 

"Good, good. You didn't tell your mom anything, right?" Another boy says darkly, punching the palm of him hand with the other. Izuku shakes his head again.

Izuku would have sat down on his bed by now but he's afraid he'll be punished for that. When the boys are there, they have very strict rules that Izuku must follow or he'll be punished.

The boys sit on Izuku's bed however and start thinking of things to tease Izuku about. Maybe just push him around a bit and call him names. Give him a few commands in the middle. Izuku hears them whispering and gulps. They usually do things worse then that but since it's such little things, it will most definitely be much harsher than the normal things they all do.

Izuku stares at the boys as they talk. Izuku wants to cry. Nothing has even happened yet and he already wants to cry. What a baby! Izuku shakes his head slightly to get the thoughts out of his mind, gaining the attention of his tormentors. They turn to Izuku and laugh a bit. He must have the terrified look that he always has on his face. Might as well be his normal face by now. With a grin, one boy with messy black hair starts speaking. "What's got you so scared, buddy? We're friends, right?" the boy tilts his head questioningly. Izuku knows that they really aren't friends- not even close, but he doesn't know what to say. He isn't allowed to call this a friendship but if he doesn't respond or if he responds wrong he'll be punished. 

The boys notice Izuku's silence and one asks the question again. "Right, Deku?" He spits out Izuku's nickname with venom. Izuku looks around, as if he'll find an answer somewhere in his room. Eventually Izuku looks back at the boys and gulps. Nothing. He opens his mouth to at least try something but nothing comes out. Seeing this, the boys laugh loudly, causing Izuku to cower back in fear.

One boy steps forward and speaks with a dark tone. Izuku looks at the boy's lips as he speaks.

"Right," The boy pauses for second to make it seem more dramatic.


Izuku feels his eyes tear up as all boys stand up and approach him slowly.


And now Izuku is all bruised up, his room is in horrible condition, and his mom is left believing that the boys just got rough with playing around. Izuku isn't allowed to say anything to his mom so that doesn't help.

Izuku looks around his mess of a room. The boys threw around his hero figurines and tore down some of his posters. It took Izuku way too long to organize the figurines on shelves and such, he's not going to bother putting it all back. Izuku stands and looks at the All Might poster that is hung above his bed.

Izuku crawls onto his bed again and stands on his knees. Izuku grabs the sides of the poster and tears it off. He rips the poster to peices, letting each peice fall on either the floor or his bed. Izuku then looks around for more posters, spotting his Erasure Head poster. The poster was really hard to get, considering how Erasure isn't a very popular hero, but Izuku can't find himself caring as he tears that poster down as well.

Izuku goes and rips up each and every hero poster, leaving a big All Might poster for last. Izuku looks the poster up and down. It's of All Might doing his signature pose with the words "Plus Ultra" going across the top of the poster. Izuku looks at All Might's bulging muscles. He can't help but glare as he recalls the things All Might said to him. Izuku looks at All Might's face with the same glare. Now that he thinks about it, All Might looks like more of a villain than he does a hero. Izuku tilts his head and his face goes blank for a second.

Izuku can't be a hero.

But nobody said anything about being a villain...

Izuku shakes his head and whispers to himself. "None of that. You can be a normal everyday citizen if being a hero really isn't your thing!" Izuku goes back to glaring at All Might's face. Izuku looks into those blue eyes darkly. Izuku's grown a deep hatred for that color. Izuku brings up his hands and scratches All Might's face out of the poster with his nails. He first digs his thumbs into those blue eyes, then starts turning his hand in rotating motions, movements getting bigger as more of the face is torn away. Izuku then rips out the rest of the face with both hands. Izuku let's out a breath then sucks in, letting out another hskay breath. Izuku's breathing picks up speed. He eventually starts huffing for breath and sits down on his bed roughly.

Hands wrapping around his own neck, Izuku gasps for air as his vision is being swarmed by black spots. Izuku let's out a shaky laugh between shaky breaths. He doesn't know what's going on. Izuku feels like his heart is beating out of his chest.

Izuku closes his eyes and tries to take a deep breath. He chokes on a laugh and starts coughing.

Tears start falling down his face as he takes his hands away from his throat to grip on the sheets of his bed. More black fills Izuku's vision when he finds himself being able to breath again. When Izuku finally is able to take in a full breath to fill his lungs as he realizes it's too late. Izuku's vision goes completely black as he falls limp on his bed.

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