The opening

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Chapter 1: The opening ——————————————————————————I heard the buzzing of my alarm, and I reached over and hit it

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Chapter 1: The opening
I heard the buzzing of my alarm, and I reached over and hit it. I got up and stretched, rubbed my eyes, and tried to come back to reality. I stood up and headed for my closet and grabbed a white dress shirt and black jeans and headed for the bathroom. Before I went downstairs though I knocked on my son Michals door. Once I got to the bathroom I took my pajamas off and got in the shower. I got ready for the morning and when I finished I put on the clothes I had picked out. I headed into the kitchen to see Michael was already up. "Good morning Father." Michael greeted me. "Good morning Michael..." I went outside and grabbed the mail and headed back inside and sat down at the kitchen table. "I made you some tea, Father." Michael said as he set it down. I nodded, looking through the paper. I took a few sips of my tea and looked at my watch. "Id best be going... don't want to be late on the first day." I stood up and was about to walk out of the kitchen till Michael stopped me. "Father, I think you should take your medicine..." I laughed and replied, "I'll be fine without it Michael..." "No really... I know how you are when you don't take it, you're very irritable, and running a restaurant with noisy kids, and singing animatronics, I know it'll make you angry." "I'll be fine without Michael..." I grumbled. If he keeps that up, he'll really put me in a bad mood. "See your already a little irritated." Michael pointed out. "I'm fine!" I snapped. Michael stepped back a little, knowing I may or may not strike him. "Are you sure you'll be fine..." Michael asked once more. "Yes. Now I'm leaving... goodbye." I shut the front door and walked out to the garage and got in my car. I drove to the soon to be opened restaurant that I and a business partner, and old friend, own. It's called Fredbear's Family Dinner. The place is a pizzeria, but it includes two singing animatronics that can also walk around and interact with the guests. Once I arrived I got out of my car and walked in the building. I saw Vincent hanging posters up and I walked over to him. "Good morning, Vincent." I greeted. "Oh, good morning William." He set the posters and stapler down, and turned around to face me. "Uh, you can really work on whatever, I got most of it done already." "Is the paperwork still in my office?" I asked Vincent. "Yeah, I never touched it." Vincent replied. I nodded my head and walked to my office and sat down in the swivel chair." I picked up a pen and started reading the paperwork. Mostly bills, permits, leases, and things to do with accounting." I sighed knowing this would take a while to fill out, but I'd get it done nonetheless. About a half hour later Vincent came into my office. "William I'm finished setting everything up, I just need help with the animatronics." I set my pen down and got up and stretched from being idle for so long. "Alright Vincent." I replied as we walked out and behind the stage. The curtains were shut witch cast a shadow onto the animatronics until Vincent turned the stage lights on. "So what exactly do you need my help with?" I asked him. "Well... you're the one who came up with their inner designs, I only made the outside looks" I nodded and walked over to Fredbear placing my hand on his shoulder. Fredbear was almost six feet tall, just shy by one inch. He had a purple hat and bow tie with two black buttons. There was something special about these animatronics though... the suits had two options, one being a performance mode where my mechanic, the springlocks, would lock around the endoskeleton and wiring. The other option was where they would unlock and you could wear the suit. Although you'd have to be careful not to get the suit wet or move to much inside, because the springlocks could lock onto you, killing you slowly, you would be able to feel your blood fill your lungs and the suit grow wet with it, you would try and scream although you're vocal cords would be severed. I smiled at the thought of someone who accidentally triggered the springlocks and then I called for Vincent to get my tool box. He did and set it down next to Fredbear's feet. I opened up the chest on Fredbear and looked inside to make sure all the wiring was correct and no bolts or screws were loose. I noticed a few were so I tightened them up and then I set the springlocks. I shut the stomach part and went up to Fredbear's head. I messed with the ears and mouth. Opening and closing the eyes. And I did the same for SpringBonnie, except I took a little extra time, seeing's how he's my favorite. Everything went well and Vincent suggested we test to see their performance. I nodded and headed back to the control room and Vincent stood out by the stage. I could see him through the camera and he held a thumbs up to show he was ready. I turned to the control panels and pressed a few buttons and soon the animatronics started moving and speaking. I turned them off satisfied to see them working so flawlessly. "I truly am the best creator." I said to myself. I walked out of the control room and out to where Vincent was. "So... what do you think?" I asked Vincent. "They're amazing! We did a great job on them! I know any kid will love this place!" Vincent exclaimed I nodded in agreement. Vincent walked over to the front door, "I suppose we can declare this place... open!" He said as he unlocked the door. I crossed my arms "Well now, that was anticlimactic..." I joked. Vincent laughed, "No kidding..." "Well when I was back there filling out paperwork, they said as soon as they finished up editing the advertisements, we'd most likely get more customers." Vincent nodded, "Yeah, I hope so..." Vincent's voice trailed off, "Say... do you think I should bring Sammy and Dave here?" He asked. "Depends if you can even convince them too. You know Sammy's scared of these things for some reason, and Dave's going through his I'm too cool for things like this phase." Vincent chuckled. "I would try and contradict you, but you're completely correct." I smiled and Vincent headed back over to the door. "Well I guess I should at least attempt to get them out of the house." Vincent opened the door but stopped before he left, "Are you capable of running the place by yourself?" Vincent asked. "Vincent I'm a 41 year old man, if anything I should be asking if you can cause your younger than me!" Vincent laughed, "You're older by a year William... and besides I'm asking because of your mental state." "Oh, so you're saying I'm crazy?" I laughed. "What! N-no that's not what I meant..." "Well I mean to my psychiatrist I am." Vincent shook his head. "Sometimes I wonder how you deal with having what you have." "Which one? psychopathy, insomnia, or my bipolar side? Some might even assume I'm schizophrenic." Vincent furrowed his brow, "Ok, now I'm really worried about you working here." I shrugged, "I'm fine right now Vincent... I took my medication this morning." I lied. Vincent sighed. "Alright, don't do anything stupid, and you know exactly what I mean." I nodded. "I'm going to go back and work on the paperwork." I called to Vincent before he left." I headed back to my office to finish working on the paperwork. About fifteen minutes passed and Vincent was back but he didn't have his kids, which I'm fine with... I don't particularly like them. Sammy cry's to much, and Dave's a jerk constantly. "I see you couldn't get them to go?" Vincent nodded. "Did anyone show up while I was gone?" Vincent asked. "Not that I'm aware of..." "I'm beginning to wonder why we chose the bar that was going out of business in the middle of nowhere, verses the shop that was going out of business in the town." Vincent said. "Two reasons. One because it has more room, two because I'm more familiar with the bar." Vincent stared at me waiting for me to continue. "What...?" I asked innocently. "What do you mean you knew the bar better?" "I went there a lot..." I shrugged. "So... you're an alcoholic too?" Vincent said with a chuckle. "Correction... was an alcoholic." I stated. "Uh huh... sure..." Vincent laughed. I sighed and shook my head, "I might as well finish up that paper work, there's not much left now." Vincent nodded and I went back to my office to finish up the paperwork‍. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Soon once it was closing time and I left. Before I did though, I took some fabric, buttons, and other things, that way I could work on a new suit I've been planning. When I got home Michael was sitting at the kitchen table eating his dinner and had mine already set up. "Thank you Michael." I said as I hung up my hat. "I figured you'd be hungry." I sat down at the table and started eating. "So how did the first day of running the pizzeria go?" "It went well, was a slow day... no one showed up, but I didn't expect anyone to." Michael nodded then pointed to the bag filled with yellow and purple fabrics. "Oh, that's a new suit I'm working on... except it's not an animatronic." Michael looked at me confused. "It's not going to have any mechanical parts in it, more of a costume than anything." Michael nodded. I finished eating and I went over to the sink and washed my plate and cup. "I should get busy right away." I said as I walked out to the backyard. "I'll be in the workshop if you need me Michael." I called to him before I shut the door. I got to my workshop and sat down at the table and began to sketch out a design. Three to four hours later I was finished with the whole thing. It was like another SpringBonnie suit, just without the mechanical parts. And I knew exactly what I was going to use it for. It was really late at night so I got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and switched into more comfortable clothes and lied down in my bed and drifted off to sleep.

So that's just Chapter 1

There's A LOT more coming soon
Anyway see you next time!

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