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(5 year old Zander's P.O.V)

"Come on, Kris! We're nearly at the airport!"

Me and Kris are running away from our so-called 'home' and our 'parents'. They maybe nice and friendly on the outside, but in reality they neglected and abused us. My brother and I can't take it anymore, so we sneak away when they're asleep.

Right now we're heading to the airport by taxi, but I know what you're thinking, we're only kids and kids carries less money. But luckily, I've stolen my 'father's' wallet while he's asleep.

(15 minutes later, Airport)

We finally made it! But the plane wouldn't start until an hour. After that 3 km run, we decided to rest.

However, I didn't notice my little brother walking around trying to look for something.

(???'s P.O.V)

"Come on Shuichi! Hurry up! We don't want to miss our last flight!"

"Yeesh~ Kaede! The plane we booked leaves at 11:00 pm. We're 45 minutes early."

I sigh at my husband. We're just got married 2 weeks ago and decided to go on our honeymoon at the beach.

As we're walking, someone bumped my leg and said which sounds like a child.

"Oops~! Sowwy I wasn't looking when I go."

I looked down and saw a cute little black-haired boy sitting down.

I crouch down his eye level and said to him.

"Hello there, little boy. What are you doing here?"

The boy looked at my with his tear-strained eyes. What happened to him? And most importantly...

"Where are your parents?"

Right after I said parents, his body is starting to shake.

"M-My pawents abused and ignored m-me and my bwother so we wun away fwom home."

I was shocked from this. What kind of monster neglect and abused the boys?

"Where's your brother?"

He pointed at the the sleeping brown-haired boy. Poor boy, he must be tired. Can't blame him though, it is 11:15 at night.

"How about you and your brother come with us? We'll take of you two nice and well."

"Pinky pwomise?" He said as he held his pinky.

"Pinky promise." I did the same to him.

"Yayyyy~! Thank you miss!"

I giggled at his cute behavior as he runs to his brother.

"Kaede, what are you doing here with the little boy?" I jumped and looked at my husband.

"Don't scare me like that!" I shouted to him. "I was chatting to him because he accidentally bumped me." I then explained to him as he too was shocked like me. I then told him that we should adopt them.

"I don't know." Shuichi said as he scratches his head. "I'm not looking forward to be a father yet."

"Come on, pwease?" I begged him with my puppy eyes. I know he can't last longer.



(Shuichi's P.O.V)

I sweatdropped at my wife. Using the puppy eyes is literally every men's weakness. I hope she doesn't do that often.
Why do I feel like I just jinxed myself?

"Come on, honey. We have to leave. Make sure to bring the-"

"Already working on it." Kaede said as she picks up both boys who are sleeping soundly.

"Great. Then let's go." And for that, we went into the plane with our future adopted sons.

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