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"I'll never let you go.."

Richie woke from his dream, his eyes fluttered open and he released a soft sigh...
Two years had went by. He visits his mothers grave here and there, Wentworth really woke up and took care of the home and his children. Eddie, well...Eddie practically lived with the them. He would sneak out of his home to sneak in through Richies window at night, almost on a daily. and they were also seniors in high school. Which means-

"Hey Eds...would you uhm..like..to uh...M-maybe g-go to..uh...-" "Richie please hurry and just spit it out. We've been dating for two years now." Eddie rolled his eyes and Richie just blushed harder and shyly poked his fingers together "I-I know its just...I-Im really nervous.." "Its okay silly..I know its nothing bad. Or is it...?" Eddie cautiously shifted his tone in suspicion. Richie nervously spouted "No! Of course its not! I was just gonna ask you to prom." The question came out automatically and Eddies eyes widened. But he quickly jumped into Richies arms and chuckled "Of course I will! You stupid idiot.." Eddie gently pulled away a little and gave the other a soft kiss on the lips. Richie returned the kiss and nervously pushed his glasses up "Yowza Eds, you really got me.." Richie smiled softly and Eddie returned it cheekily. "Well dont be nervous to ask me things. Although its the cutest thing." Eddie whispered into the others ear before gently kissing it. Richies face burned a dark crimson red shade and he pulled away to stutter "T-T-T-To Class!" He ran off and Eddie just sighed in relief. ~Im so glad hes the same Richie..Even after that incident..~ Eddie looked down and turned around. "Hey Fag." Eddie heard a deep voice call him from behind, he turned around and rolled his eyes "Cryin' Liam. Here for another beating?" Eddie smirked out slyly, Liam just scoffed and twitched in anger "No. Im here to beat the shit out of you this time you fucking loser." Liam's friends came out of nowhere and surrounded Eddie. who glared right back at Liam "Why not fight me one on one coward? Always need help from your girlfriends?~" Eddie gathered a lot of teasing techniques from his boyfriend from the past two years they have been together. Liam snapped, he charged first but Eddie quickly dodged the first blow and punched Liam right in the jaw. so hard that Liam fell onto his knees "Anyone else?" Eddie glared around the goons and they charged at him too. Eddie sighed heavily and fought to his potential, for the past few years Eddie and Richie had a lot of play wrestling fights. So they would constantly use their muscles and actually learned how to kickbox. They did lots of things together, ~Except...that type of stuff..~ Eddie felt his face flush a little, when he thought about Richie in the shower. He got distracted and this costed him a hit to the face. His lip started bleeding and he spat out some blood. "Assholes.." Eddie growled out, the goons were offended by this and started to work together to kick Eddie down and beat him up. A few moments passed and around this time two other students yelled loudly and everyone scattered. The students ran up to Eddie and checked on him "Eds..!" He heard a faint voice, Eddie tried to open his eyes and seen a blurry face "Billy...?" He softly whispered before passing out.

Richie waited outside the nurses office. The two students who called him on the intercom of the school. One of them came outside and Richie jumped up quickly, looking extra worried until he made eye contact with the other. "...Stan...?" Stanley Uris smiled softly and walked towards Richie "Hey Bud..how have you been?" Stanley asked the other, Richie smiled brightly and quickly pulled Stanley into a tight embrace, Stanley of course hugged back and spoke softly "Im here for University..so you get us for a whole five years." Richie pulled away in question "Us..?" Stanley pulled him into the nurses office where Bill Denbrough sat beside Eddie at his bed, they were chatting and giggling. When Richie layed eyes on the brunette. He gasped and almost started to cry "R-R-ichie. Yo" Bill stuttered out and stood to greet him, Richie instantly ran to him and hugged him tightly "Big Bill..." Richie sighed out and held the other close to him. Bill returned the hug and almost squeaked "R-Ru-Richie..t-too tight-" Richie let go of the other and looked down at Eddie. His eyes widened and instant worry corrupted his expression "Eds! Are you alright?-" "Yeah Rich..dont worry about me. I gave them a good beating too." Eddie pridely spoke as Richie hugged him gently. "Thats my man.." Richie gently carrassed the others cheeks and Eddie just giggled in response.

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