☆~[ Seven ]~☆

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More S M U T in this ch. man Im on a roll

Drinking, drinking, chanting, cheering, dancing, partying.

Richie and Eddie entered the dorm party and almost the entire place was crowded with students and chaos. Eddie linked their hands together and held onto Richies arm with his other arm, "Lets try not to get seperated yeah?" Richie had to speak against Eddies ear due to how loud it was. Eddie nodded quickly and stayed as close as he could to his boyfriend. They managed to get their way to the kitchen which was less crowded. But they were spotted by Mike, Ben, and Bill. Those three approached the couple and they sparked a conversation about football. "Hey! Im gonna go get some drinks. You wanna chill by the guys?" Richie pushed Eddie into Mike as he ran off to grab some drinks. Eddie didnt even get to say anything but he wasnt complaining, Mike held onto Eddie nice and close and made him feel safe. Bill and Ben stood around Eddie and all spoke about their classes and lives. Eventually, Eddie was found by Ethan who came up to them and introduced himself to the three guys who surrounded Eddie. Ethan was slightly intimidated by them but Eddies angellic smile made Ethans heart flutter. "Hey.." Ethan made conversation and Eddie smiled brightly "Hey Ethan..I have a quick question" Eddie stood close to the other and spoke into his ear "Wheres the bathroom??" Ethan just stepped back and held Eddies hand "Follow me!" Ben gave Ethan a weird look and Bill looked at both Ben and Mike "One of us should tail. just in case." Mike stated, Bill volunteered "I w-will." Bill left to follow the other two. And Ethan did lead Eddie to the bathroom, but he also had a drink in hand and he leaned against the wall and roofied the drink in process. Bill walked up the stairs slowly, the noise was getting quieter only because rarely anyone was upstairs. Ethan mixed the drink together and when Eddie came out. Ethan offered the drink "Since you arrived, Why dont you drink this as a token of my appreciation for you.." Ethan had a very friendly demeanor but Eddie didnt know his true intentions. He took the drink and smiled "Thank you Ethan!" Eddie drank from the drink and Ethan only smirked as they walked down the hall, not even a minute later. Eddie was feeling very drowsy and he felt his head spinning "Woah..wha-" Ethan gently grabbed onto Eddies hand and took him into a bedroom. "Ethan what...Im not a light weight..- I.." Eddie staggered and Ethan placed him onto the bed. Ethan locked the door and allowed his predatory desires take over. Bill was at the top of the stairs and looked around, he noticed the bathroom door open and questioned where Eddie and Ethan were. "Eddie.." Ethan hovered over the other male and Eddie just panted and stared up at the other "Ethan...what...was in that drink..?" Eddie muttered as Ethans smirk spread across his lips "Something that will make you feel wonders~" Ethan began to take Eddies clothes off. Eddies body refused to listen to him.

Richie returned to the spot where he left Eddie with Mike and the boys but. Eddie was gone. "Hey! I told you guys to watch my man-" "Yeah we did but this Ethan guy took him to the bathroom cause Eddie needed to go." Mike called out as Richies heart and expression both dropped in sync. Worry took over his entire being as he quickly ran around to look for the other two. But to no avail. "Bill went to tail them just in case something happens." Ben spoke to Richie as the dorky one managed to settle down a little. If Bill was watching over him then he could relax a little.

Eddie began to tear up and he quietly stated "Stop. Please..I want Richie..." something inside Ethan snapped as he reached down and groped Eddie through his boxers. "Its always Richie this. Richie that. why not play with me a while..?" Ethan whispered seductively, Eddies internal reaction was to scream and run away but his body did not listen to his commands. Bill tried opening the doors and every door opened except for one. He suddenly got a gut feeling to go grab Richie and he did. he ran back down the stairs to find the other, And he was sitting on the counter with his phone, a worried look on his face and surrounded by the rest of the losers. "G-G-Guys! R-Rich come upstairs with me now!" Bill grabbed onto Richies hand and his heart sank when he heard Bills tone but he followed close behind. The rest of the losers followed and Bill and Richie knocked at the door. Ethan jerked up and growled "Fucking shit-" Eddie panted and gripped onto the bedsheets, tears were streaming down his cheeks and Ethan just continued what he was doing "H-Help.." Eddies weak voice made Ethan hold his mouth shut as he silenced the other. But that predatory feeling did not last long as the door literally was kicked down. Ethan jumped off the bed and looked at the six losers standing in the doorway. "Eds!" Bill and Richie ran to Eddie, Ethan tried to run past the others but Beverly raised her fist and sucker punched Ethan in the jaw, making him stumble to the floor "Hey guys. lets teach this asshat a lesson of what happens when you drug someone and try to rape them." Mike, and Stan were more than happy to beat the shit out of Ethan, Beverly joining in on it as Ben stood at the doorway and facepalmed. Bill and Richie heated up quickly with rage. "Guys. Stop." Bill stood up and Richie waved Ben over to watch Eddie as they both approached the already beaten up Ethan. Stan sat beside Eddie and basically lifted him into his arms and held him close. Beverly and Mike took a step back as Bill cracked his knuckles. and Richie punched a hole through the wall beside Ethan. They both had their fair share of bloodshed as well. "If you ever fucking approach my boyfriend again. if you fucking. Look at him again. I will not hesitate to beat your fucking ugly face in." Richies monotone and serious tone corrupted Ethans mind and caused him to cower in fear. Richie stood back up and went back to his boyfriends aid. The losers went back to Richies dorm room and they all decided to stay the night. Richie kept giving Eddie water to drink and he had his arms wrapped tight around Eddies waist from behind. they were sitting on Eddies bed and Stanley and Bill were laying on Richies bed. Beverly and Ben were cuddling on the floor beside their bed and Mike was sprawled out on the beanbag chair Richie had. Eddie was sobering up quickly. and he felt a little better but still stayed quiet "Im really sorry for that...I didnt know...he was..." Eddie began to tear up, Richie just stroked his cheeks and whispered "Its okay baby. its not your fault. its not your fault at all, dont blame yourself.." Richie tried to reassure him, and Eddies heart skipped a beat "I cant believe he drugged me...what an asshole." Eddie looked down and examined Richies hands. He noticed the bloody knuckles "Baby...did you beat him up?" Eddie carrassed the others hands and Richie slightly winced "Yeah...we all did." Richie chuckled and Eddie frowned "Sad...I wanted to as well..but my body didnt listen to me." Eddie slumped back against his boyfriend and Richie just kissed his ear "Dont worry. Next time he looks at you. You can beat him up then." Richie raspberried Eddies neck and made him cackle loudly. The rest of the losers lightened up the mood and they all had a wonderful sleepover.

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