Sniffles and Snuggles (Britain X Reader)

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You groaned as you trudged into the living room. A hollow pounding resounded through your head steadily, making you want to just collapse into your bed and fall into an eternal sleep.

As much as you hated it, you had to go to school. You couldn't miss today; or any other day, for that matter. Well, you could, but then you wouldn't get to see him,. Any pain was worth seeing his dirty blonde hair and hypnotic emerald eyes...

You soon realized that your face was growing hotter from such thoughts, so you quickly shook your head and grabbed your book bag from next to the couch. You reached for the doorknob, and to your surprise, a knock came from it before you could. You held back a groan as you turned the knob, not really wanting to talk to anyone. But the moment you opened the door, your heart skipped a beat and all thoughts had vanished.

"Hey, _____. I hope I'm not being a bother, but you were later than usual at meeting up at the stop. So..." The Brit's thick accent showed while he talked. It took you a moment to find your words before replying back.

", you're not bothering me, in fact I--" before you knew it, you were in the middle of a giant sneeze. You sniffled and rubbed your nose with the back of your hand. Arthur furrowed his bushy eyebrows and stepped closer. "_____? Are you fit to be going to school today?"

"Y-yeah...I'm fine, just a little cold..." You sniffled again. You then grew into a coughing fit, causing the Brit to put the back of his hand to your forehead. He closed his eyes while shaking his head.

"Tch. You're so stubborn...just a cold, my ass! You're sick and need to rest," he scolded as he opened his eyes. You narrowed your own and sighed. Before you knew it, you were speaking what was on your mind. "But if I do that, then I can't see you."

Arthur's pupils widened in surprise, which made you realize you had spoken aloud. Your face flushed a deep shade of red as you felt his gaze burn into you. He then glanced away, a small pink tint coming to his own cheeks. "Well...I could always stay with you," he said slowly. "Besides, you'l need someone to watch and take care of you while you're ill, right?"

You looked up to him in disbelief. He gave you a small, shy smile. You returned the favor and quickly stepped into your house, inviting your friend inside. He set his stuff next to the door and turned to you with a bigger smile. "Now, you go in your room and rest. I'll make you some delicious soup." You nodded and made your way to your room.

It was moments like this that you were grateful you lived alone. Independence was practically your middle name, for the only people you hung out with were Arthur and the circle of friends you two shared. Arthur just had this thing about were not sure what it was, but it automatically made you drawn to him. At first it was only a longing to be his friend, but now you craved more.

Your thoughts came to a halt when you finally reached your bed. You climbed in and laid your head on the soft pillow. You began to shiver, and you realized all of the covers were at the other end of the bed. You would have gotten them yourself, but your arms ached. You laid there, completely perplexed, until it hit you.

"Arthurrrr..." You whined loudly yet weakly. You heard him say something, though you couldn't quite catch it. A few moments later, he entered your room. "You need something, _____?"

"The blankets..." you barely pointed to them. He nodded and walked closer to your bed. He grabbed them and covered you up, and even fluffed your pillows for you. He noticed you were still shaking and furrowed his brows. "Still cold?"

You nodded and tried to sit up. He quickly stopped you by putting his hands on your shoulders. "You need to rest."

"I know, but...Arthur?" He questioningly tilted his head to the side as you spoke. "Can you get me more blankets?"


You had thirteen layers of blankets on you, yet you were still cold. Arthur had a worried expression drawn about his face as he looked down at you. He put a hand under his chin and began thinking. You closed your eyes because your head was hurting more than before.

Then, to your surprise, you began to feel warmth. The wonderful feeling caused you to open your eyes slowly, only to see Arthur hesitantly climbing in next to you. Your (e/c) eyes widened in shock, and his cheeks flushed red.

"__-_____," he stuttered out your name,"I'm sorry! I j-just thought that since you were cold, it might warm you up if" He mumbled another apology as he began lifting hisself off the bed. Before you could stop yourself, you grabbed him and pulled him back down to you. Both of you blushed as your eyes met.

"Don't...don't go..." you mumbled,"'re really warm." He blushed more before positioning hisself so his arms were wrapped around your waist. You laid your head on his chest, causing him to tense up for a moment before relaxing. The two of you stayed there in pure bliss, despite the fact you were sniffling every few seconds. He slowly moved his hand and intertwined it with yours while rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

In all honesty, you could not believe your luck. Here you were, with the boy of your dreams, just cuddling. It was quiet, but it wasn't the uncomfortable awkward silence. It was just one of those moments where you don't say anything because everything is perfect. The silence was broken when Arthur cleared his throat.

"Um..._____?" His face grew hotter as he spoke. "I...I have something I've been meaning to tell you." You hummed a soft "Hmm?", which urged him to continue.

"Well...I have been wanting to tell you this for years now, actually. You see, ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you were different; in a good way, of course! It's just...your vivid (e/c) eyes, and your (h/l), (h/c) hair...every time I think about it, I feel weird. It's something I've never felt before, to be honest.

It's taken me so long to finally get the courage, but, _____, I...well, I... I--!"

He was interrupted by the sound of the smoke alarm going off in the kitchen. His pupils widened and his face dropped. "Oh, hell no...THE SOUP!"


Oh boy. My first one-shot. I hope you guys enjoyed~! ^-^"


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