Ugly Sweaters (Libertea Fanfic)

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"Arthurrrr, do we have to go sweater shopping?" The young American whined loudly. The Brit, who is addressed by Arthur, let out a deep sigh before nodding. "Yes, Alfred. We have to go."

"But dude... Shopping for ugly sweaters is totally not cool," Alfred muttered bitterly. Arthur's bushy brow twitched as he closed his eyes. He was getting more and more annoyed by the second. The sooner this American shut up, the happier he would be. What was so bad about Christmas sweaters anyway? They were kinda cute, if you looked at them from a certain angle...

Arthur ignored the other man's pleas as he got into the car and started the engine. After letting it warm up for a few minutes he stuck his head out of the window and glared at Alfred. "Are you going to get in here or freeze your ass off out there?" The younger male thought it over in his head and was soon sitting the passengers seat. Arthur turned the radio on and began backing out of the driveway. Soon they were on their way to the mall.

"Hey, Arthur?" He didn't bother answering as the other went on. "Why are we even going ugly sweater shopping?" Arthur glanced at Alfred and shrugged. "Because I feel like it." Alfred rolled his eyes and stared out the window.

"This is stupid."

Silence filled the space between the two as Arthur drove on. Alfred began clicking through stations, trying to find a good song. After a few minutes, he gave up and slumped back in his seat. Sudden realization hit him as he turned to the Brit.

"Why did you want me to go anyway?" He asked a bit loudly, causing the other to jump in surprise. As soon as Arthur regained is posture, he began to speak. "...because..."

Because I'm a lonely asshole and need company.

"Because I said so." It was left at that for a few minutes.

"I didn't have to, y'know," Alfred said while staring out the window. He was partially hypnotized by the snowflakes flying by as they drove, also looking for a way to entertain himself. Arthur stayed quiet for a moment, not quite sure what to say. "If that's so, then why did you?"

Alfred just let out a small laugh, not moving his eyes from the window. "Well, I had nothing else to do. I didn't wanna be alone, so I agreed to go with you," he then put on a scowl. "But then you told me what you were shopping for."

"I told you before you agreed, you just weren't listening." Arthur muttered, slightly annoyed. Alfred shrugged. "What can I say? I was distracted."

"By what? You were staring right at me, you git." Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I know."

Arthur almost slammed his foot down on the brakes as he processed what Alfred had said. Heat rushed to his face the more he tried to think of what to say. Just say the first thing that comes to mind...


Well that idea failed.

"And why do you say that?" Alfred muttered, sounding a bit amused.

"B-because...well I...bloody hell..." Arthur narrowed his gaze on the road, finally deciding to just ignore the obnoxious American. After a few awkward moments of silence, Alfred let out a subtle cough.

"So, Arthur..." Arthur let out an exasperated sigh. "What?"

"What do you think of me?"  Arthur glanced over at Alfred, who had his gaze fixated out the window.  The Brit bit his lip, trying to think.  Finally, he let out another sigh and shrugged.

"'re nothing but trouble.  You are annoying.  Obnoxious.  Loud.  Stubborn.    But..." the heat was returning to his face as he stared ahead.  "'re also...amazing...outstanding...lovely...silly..."  Alfred's expression went from a frown to one of just pure shock.  A tint of red spread on his cheeks while he listened to the words. Both men were extremely red, heat emitting off of them in the silent car.

"...and..." Arthur trailed off, mumbling under his breath. Alfred frowned and poked him. "And...? Don't leave me hangin'!" Arthur furrowed his brows down and sighed. His face grew hotter as he felt the words coming up his throat.

"...and I love you."

Alfred's face turned just as red as Arthur's. Both sat in an awkward silence as the American digested the confession. Finally, after a few minutes, he let out a soft chuckle. "Of course you do, who doesn't love me?" Arthur rolled his eyes, feeling extremely embarrassed. You idiot, he thought to himself, what made you think is was a good idea to admit your feelings to him of all people?

"Hey, can you pull over?" Alfred turned to Arthur, who sighed and obliged, pulling the car to the side of the road.

"What is it? If you need to take a piss then—" Arthur was interrupted when a pair of American lips met his own. He almost pulled away, but before he could even consider it, Alfred pulled away with a smile.

"I love you too, bro."

Arthur stared at him wide eyed, then pulled the American back to him and gave him a quick kiss. The two stared at each other for a moment before they both leaned in for one final, long kiss. Both of the men forgot about the blizzard outside as their lips met inside the warm car. Alfred brought his hands to the Brit's face, holding him as they passionately kissed. Arthur wrapped his arms around Alfred's neck, pulling him more into the kiss.

A few minutes later, Arthur suddenly pulled away, causing Alfred to give him a concerned look. Arthur checked his watch and almost screeched when he saw the time. He hopped off of Alfred, readjusted his tie, plopped into the driver's seat and sped down the road. Alfred began buttoning up his shirt, muttering under his breath.

"What's wrong?"

"THE STORE WILL CLOSE IN TEN MINUTES!" Alfred gave Arthur an are-you-freaking-kidding-me-right-now-you-stopped-a-perfectly-good-make-out-session-for-some-sweaters-wtf-bro look. Arthur smiled a little. "Don't worry, Alfie, once we get back home, we'll be able to do much more."

Alfred's mood brightened up considerably after that. After that, ugly sweater shopping was suddenly not so bad anymore.



Well really I am going to be posting more one-shots so yeah...don't worry, this book is not dead! This will probably seem out of place considering it's almost Summer and this is a Christmas story but OH WELL EVERY TIME IS CHRISTMAS TIME WOO


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