The Violet Rose (Italy x Reader)

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"Ah, _____!" You turned around at the sound of your name, your [h/c] hair bouncing slightly. A smile appeared on your lips without warning as you saw who it was.

"Italy!" He was soon leaning in front of you while slightly panting. There were stars in his eyes as he looked up to you. "Oh you'll never believe it!" He brought his hands to his face and smiled. "I was in my garden, tending to the flowers, when--"

"Wait you have a garden?" He stopped and stared at you with an awkward smile. He slowly nodded with a shrug. "Well it's Japan's, but I tend to it." You mouthed an "oh" in response.

"But while I was watering the roses, there was one that just caught my eye. It was so pretty and unique, and you were the first thing I thought of. I really want you to see it!" Your heart skipped a beat towards the end of his explanation. Me? I was the first person he thought of? You could feel heat rushing to your cheeks. "Keh, it's only because I'm his best for Germany, of course."

"Huh? What was that Stella*?" (A/N: Stella is "star" in Italian, it is a term for affection) Oh God...had you said that out loud...

"Oh, n-nothing! I said...that...Uh....." Italy shrugged and took a hold of your hand.

"Whatever, let's just go!"

He practically dragged you all the way to Germany's house. The fact that Germany would allow Japan to grow his own garden in the backyard seemed a little odd, but somehow you weren't surprised. Under all that muscle and thick accent, he was just a big old softy. Kind of like a cat...actually, nothing like a cat. That was a really horrible comparison, dude.

"Okay it's right over...there!" His whole aura lit up as his eyes focussed on one spot. You tried to find it, but everything just blended in together...oh wait. You were literally 147 feet away. "Hehe, sorry~" He then proceeded to walk with you the rest of the way, still holding your hand. This wasn't unusual, for the two of you often went on long wallks together. But this day your heart was pounding with each step as your fingers were intertwined with his. The lump in your throat made it so you were unable to speak whenever he would say something. "Alright, _____. Take a look~!"

You looked down at the bush in front of you. At first you only saw beautiful blooming roses, but then a strange shade caught your attention. Your mouth opened in awe as your vision settled on one unusual rose. It was...

"Beautiful." You breathed. Italy's smile grew slightly at your words. He reached out and touched the flower, letting his fingers brush against the delicate violet petals. "Kinda like you, huh?"

"What?" You turned your head to him and stared. A redness spread onto your cheeks as he looked at you with his cute smile. He didn't say anything. None of you did, really. You signed and turned back to the flower. It truly was amazing...and absolutely breath-taking.


It had been a few days since Italy had taken you to see the rose. Afterward he had walked you home and said his goodbyes. It was normal, as always. You smiled sadly. "So things really are just normal. He doesn't have romantic feelings for me."

You then heard a knock at your front door. After a few seconds, you finally forced yourself up and opened the door. To your surprise, standing there right in front of you was...nobody.

"Damn brats," you scowled, beginning to close the door again when something caught your eye. The familiar shade caused you to look down and gasp. There it was. That absolutely beautiful rose from the garden, in a thin glass vase on your front porch. You bent down to pick it up, being careful not to drop the vase.

Your hands trembled as you shut the door behind you and walked to your table. You very gently set the vase down. A victorious smile spread across your cheeks and you laughed at yourself. You were quite proud of yourself for not dropping and shattering the vase. It wasn't until then that you realized there was a paper tied to the neck of the vase.

"What's this..." You mumbled while taking a hold of the small paper. Your eyes traveled across the words. By the way your eyes lit up and your smile spread ear to ear, anyone could tell that you were extremely happy. A warmth swelled in your chest as you sat down in a chair. A content sigh escaped your lips, and everything seemed so much more happy.

As you pulled the rose out and breathed in the sweet fragrance, the slightly sloppy written words echoed in your head...

For you, the brightest star I have ever seen.


Oh god. I really, truly apologize for this sad excuse of written literature. I'm just so tired...and kind of depressed. So I wrote something happy! (=^x^=) I didn't really want to do something with kisses, hugs, etc. so I just did something a little cute. So yeah. Byeeee


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