My Family

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Summary : After trying for a family for a few months Kelly and Y/N finally got to the hospital to get checked out, however the news wasn't what they expected.

Pairing : Kelly Severide x Wife Reader

Y/N POVMe and Kelly have been married for 4 years now, and we have finally decided to start trying to have a baby

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Me and Kelly have been married for 4 years now, and we have finally decided to start trying to have a baby. We have always wanted a family. The bigger the better. Tonight Kelly has shift off and I'm not on call at med. Tonight we are going to go out for a nice romantic meal that Kelly has planned. It's currently 8pm and I'm all ready. I'm wearing a nice simple little black dress and a three inch heel. My hair is slightly curled and simple makeup on. I make my way downstairs to meet Kelly in the living room.

I make my way downstairs and find Kelly fixing his hair. He is wearing a simple dress shirt and tight suit pants. He looks amazing. Kelly turns around and holds my hands pulling me into him.

"You look amazing. This dress is perfect" he says while looking me up and down.

I immediately start blushing and move my hand through his hair and brought him in for a kiss.

Time skip – After dinner, Back home.

We enter the apartment and Kelly wraps his arms around my waist pulling my flush against him. He started to kiss down my neck and walking you towards the bedroom. He pulls me down on the bed some I'm on top of him and continue kissing him hard. Passionate.

"You still ready to start trying" Kelly says out of breath.

"Yeah." I say while kissing down his neck.

He flips us over and starts to take of my clothes until we were both naked and tangled in sheets.

Time skip – 4 weeks later.

I'm currently standing in the kitchen looking at the calendar. It's 24th my period should have come a week ago. I'm late. I don't think I'm going to tell Kelly yet, I'm gonna take a test and see if it's positive or negative. What's the point of getting his hopes up if nothing happens. Kelly had already left for work before I woke up this morning. I get a pregnancy test from my closet and drink a bottle of water before taking the test.

3 minutes, 3 minutes until I will know for sure.


I turn off the alarm and slowly walk up to the test I left of the counter

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I turn off the alarm and slowly walk up to the test I left of the counter. I turn it over 'NEGATIVE' I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Tears start to appear in my eyes. Why am I getting emotional over something I didn't have to begin with.

Time skip – 5 months later.

'NEGATIVE' again. Why. I exit the bathroom and walking into the living room. Kelly looks up at me when I enter the room. He walks up to me and gets hold of my hands.

"It was negative" I say while not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"Hey, it's ok. We can try again" he says with hope in his eyes.

"I don't know anymore" I say, while he looks at me confused.

"What do you mean? Y/N." I close my eyes.

"I mean. Maybe I should get some tests done. I'm sure I can get an appointment by the end of the week."

"Ok. I'll get check out too. We'll figure this out together" he says while giving me a simple kiss.

Time skip – 3 weeks later.

It's been 2 weeks since I've been to the hospital and had my tests done and today I'm going back to get my results with Kelly. I'm nervous. Scared. Me and Kelly enter the hospital and head up to the floor where I would meet my Dr.

"Y/N Severide" I look up from my chair and see Dr Mitchell. Me and Kelly get up from our chairs and follow her into her office.

"Please have a seat" she says while walking around her desk.

"So, we have gone over both of your tests. Kelly, everything was normal, nothing was wrong. However, Y/N." I close my eyes and take the deepest breath I've ever had. "While we was going over your scans, we notice that you had some damage to your fallopian tubes. Which is stopping the sperm from getting to the eggs and fertilising them."

I start to block out what she was saying, like I was underwater. Why was this happening. Ever since I was a little child I've wanted to have my own family, be a mother. Why isn't this going to happen for me.

Time skip – Back home.

Me and Kelly are now sitting at home, I haven't said a word since we walked through the doors. At this moment I haven't cried or anything I feel numb. Just sitting in Kelly's arms. He just kept holding me and kissing head head and saying sweet things in my ears. But all I could think about was how I had let him down. He has always wanted a family and I was the one thing in the way.

"I'm sorry" I say letting the emotions I've kept built inside for the past few hours out.

"I'm sorry I can't do this for you" I say while trying to get myself deeper into his body.

He just kept holding me and telling me that everything was going to be ok, and that we was going to get through this together. That we will would still have a family. We were already a family. I knew we had options, if we ever wanted them. That night I feel asleep in his arms.

Time skip – 2 years later.
Joy. That's was I'm feeling. Me and Kelly we waiting outside in the waiting room. Then we hear it, a baby crying in the distance from the room where Veronica was. Veronica is a 15 year old girl who is having a baby and was giving it up for adoption and me and Kelly where the couple she picked.
Veronica's mum walked out the room "Y/N, Kelly. Would you like to meet your baby" she says with a smile on her face. We walk over to her and enter the room. There she was laying in a little bed all wrapped up. She looked beautiful.

I looked at Veronica and hold he hand "Thank you. Thank you for giving me a family."

I finally had my family.

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