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Joshua started preaching about God's forgiveness and how the people should learn to forgive those who have hurt and disappointed them, there was a lot of "mmhmms" and "ahhs" and "preach pastor!" coming from the congregation when he heard a clap, he thought it was just a random person that was enjoying his sermon, but then there was another clap and this time it sounded intentional, it sounded like the person wanted attention and he was not the only one that thought that way as many members turned back to see who was clapping and then someone stood up. When Joshua saw who it was he froze on the spot.

What was she doing here?

He could feel beads of sweat drip down his forehead. He looked at his wife and he could also see the fear in her face and that was when he realized that she was probably trying to warn him about the presence of their visitor. Their unwanted visitor.

Their visitor walked down the aisle of the church gracefully like it was hers with her silicon black dress, long wavy weave and red heels till she got to the pulpit, it looked like she really dressed up and took her time just for this. Joshua could hear the murmuring of the church members. He was sure that they were wondering who she was. She was facing him now

"Hi pastor. Miss me?" She said smiling.


She almost burst out laughing as she saw the horrific look on Pastor Joshua's face. He was speechless, he couldn't say a thing. She turned around to face the congregation and she smiled.

" Hello people of God" She looked at Tutu " Hello First Lady or is it Mother in the Lord. That's an interesting topic pastor, Forgiveness" She said nodding her head repeatedly.

The whole congregation kept on murmuring with confusion in their eyes.

She faced the congregation. "I know you are wondering why I am here or better still who is this lady standing before you and who does she think she is coming up to the pulpit and speaking like she owns the place" She said opening her bag and bringing out a cigarette. Immediately, Pastor Tobi stood up

"Ma'am I don't know who you are and your purpose for coming here but if you have no respect for the church and those in it at least have respect for God. You can't just come up here and smoke"

She laughed as she lit up her cigarette and took a long puff "You don't know who I am? Really?" She said and laughed and then she turned to face Pastor Joshua who was still speechless "And I'm sure you too will claim to not know who I am"

"Look ma'am you look familiar but I can't recall who you are. Please this is a church service you are interrupting and it is disrespectful to God" Pastor Tobi said

"God? Does he live here?" She said looking around "I don't think so? I don't think He lives among devils"

"Madam abeg leave this place" Someone in the congregation said

"Who said that?" She asked, looking around.

No one said anything, perhaps didn't want to test her.

"Well, I have a little gift for you" She said as she opened her hand to bring out an object and when she did the whole church gasped.

"Surprise, Surprise" She said laughing.

What do you think the surprise is?

The Visitor: A Short Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now