Chapter 19

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Joe(Grandpa's) POV
"No don't go!" Hannah begged as she clung to Freddie.  Alan and Freddie were leaving for a weekend get away. Karen and I had come to stay at their house with Hannah while they were away. It was their first time leaving Hannah and they had been anxious about it the whole month. We all knew that Hannah would be pretty sad when they left and I could tell it was hard for Freddie and Alan to see Hannah like this. "Darling it's only for a couple of days.  We'll be back before you know it!" Freddie said as he rubbed her back and held her. "That's right and Nana and Grandpa will be with you here." Alan added. "Mmm hmm and tomorrow Auntie Mia is going to come visit. You love when she visits darling," Freddie said. "I want you and Papa to stay," she continued as she began to cry. Freddie and Alan looked at Karen and I with defeated and guilty looks on their faces. "She'll be fine. We are going to have so much fun here Hannah will hardly notice you two are gone," Karen said. "That's right. We're going to go to the park and watch movies and maybe if we're lucky grandma will bake cookies!" I added

"Alan, maybe..." Freddie began. I knew he was about to suggest staying; if Hannah heard him even suggest staying she would be even more devastated once Karen and I convinced them to leave. "Freddie, she'll be fine. You two need to get away. It's only for the weekend. She'll be having fun in no time and if anything happens you two are only a phone call away," I cut him off. "You're right. Hannah, Papa and I have to go now but we'll be back before you know it. We love you so much," Freddie said as he hugged Hannah a little tighter and gave her a kiss. "We'll miss you. Be good for Nana and Grandpa angel. Daddy and I will call you at bedtime love," Alan said as he gave Hannah a kiss. "Thank you so much and call us if you need anything. We left all of the important numbers on the fridge. She needs a nightlight a bedtime and likes to be sung to. And...." Freddie rambled. "Freddie we'll be fine. We kept Alan and a lot of other children alive," Karen cut off Freddie. Freddie and Alan chucked until they turned to see Hannah crying in my arms. "In a few minutes she'll be laughing and having fun with us. Everything will be okay," Karen eased the two. "Okay. Bye bye Hannah," Alan said as he and Freddie left.

Hannah sat in my arms for a little while crying and feeling sorry for herself. "It's okay pumpkin, they'll be back Sunday. I've got you you're okay," I comforted her as I rocked her. After a few minutes, the crying subsided to sniffles. Hannah was rubbing her eyes in between her sniffles which told me she was tired and could use a nap. "Hannah I think it may be time for a nap," I suggested. "No nap!" She protested. I could sense some crankiness from being sad about her parents leaving and being overtired. "Come on sweetheart just a little one, I think you'll feel better after you're well rested," I tried to convince her. "No nap!" She repeated a bit firmer. "Okay, how about you and Grandpa have a cuddle on the couch and watch a movie?" I suggested. I knew after getting her comfy she would knock out in a few minutes. She looked a me a little skeptically I could tell she pondering if this was a trick or not. "We're just going to watch a movie sweetness. You can pick which ever one you want," I said. "O-okay," she agreed. "What movie do you want to watch Hannah?" I asked. She thought for a minute and answered, "Little Mermaid!" "Good choice, angel," I replied. After I put on the movie, she nestled herself under my arm and I threw a blanket over us. The first few minutes into the movie I noticed her eyes getting heavy. Twenty minutes into the movie she had completely fallen asleep. Karen carefully sat down next to us chuckling. "She's a little stubborn one isn't she?" She whispered. "Yeah. It's hard to get upset with her though given Freddie and Alan leaving," I whispered. "I'm going to go get us settled in, I'll just be upstairs," Karen said quietly. "Alright, I'll probably fall sleep with her, Grandpa could use a nap himself," I whispered chuckling. Karen headed upstairs and a few minutes later I had fallen asleep as well.

The next thing I knew I was being shaken awake by Hannah who was saying, "Grandpa, Grandpa! Wake up!" "Oh well! Someone's looking happier. Feeling better pumpkin?" I said. She replied by nodding her head. "H-Hungry," she said a little timidly. Freddie and Alan told us about Hannah's difficult relationship with food. Karen and I were aware of how careful we needed to be when approaching the topic of food with Hannah. "Why don't we feed your tummy then. What would you like for lunch Hannah?" I asked her. "Umm grilled cheese," she said still a bit timidly. "Sounds great! Let's go get Nana to make us lunch," I said as I picked her up. "Someone is hungry and is requesting grilled cheese for lunch," I said as I carried Hannah into the bedroom where Karen was. "Well then I better fix some lunch then. Lunch will be ready in 15 minutes. You and Grandpa can play in your room in the meantime, I'll call you both down when it's ready," Karen said. Hannah lead me to her room to show me her things and Karen headed down to the kitchen.

Hannah and I were in the middle of coloring when she asked me, "Grandpa, what are foster parents?" "What makes you ask that pumpkin?" I asked her. "That's what Papa says you and Nana are," she replied. "Yes that's right. Well sometimes parents need help taking care of their kids. When that happens kids go live with foster parents like your Nana and I," I explained. "How long do they stay with you?" she asked. "Well that depends how long it takes their parents to get help. Sometimes they stay with us for a short time, sometimes they stay with us for a very long time. But they almost always go back to their mommies and daddies," I told her. "Grandpa, Daddy and Papa aren't my foster parents are they?" she asked a little anxiously. "No sweetheart, Daddy and Papa are your forever parents. It's not safe for you to go back to your old parents and the people in courts decided that you will never go back to them. Daddy and Papa love you and want you to live with them forever," I told her. "I want to stay with them forever too," she said more relaxed.

After Hannah and I colored Karen called us down for lunch. After lunch, we spent the rest of the day playing and coloring with Hannah. After dinner Karen gave Hannah a bath and helped her brush her teeth. We were trying to put Hannah down for bed when the water works started again. "Hannah, what's wrong?" Karen asked her. "I...I want Daddy and Papa," she managed to say through her tears. Right on cue my phone started ringing. "Hannah, look who's calling," I said before I answered the FaceTime. "Hey you two," I said answering the phone. "Hello, where's Hannah?" Alan asked. "Daddy, Papa?" she asked. "Hello darling! Oh what's wrong?" Freddie asked. "I miss you and Papa," Hannah said sniffing. I could see the guilt on Freddie and Alan's faces; we had told them that everything would be fine and here they see Hannah crying again. "We had a very fun day but we just got a little sad around bed time. Isn't that right Hannah?" I prompted her. "Mmm hmm. We watched a movie and colored and had grilled cheese for lunch," Hannah said. "That sounds like fun!" Alan said. "Daddy and I miss you too but we'll be home in two days," Alan went on. "That's right, remember Auntie Mia is coming over tomorrow. You two always have so much fun together, darling," Freddie said. Hannah nodded and yawned rubbing her eyes. "Well I think it may be time for bed," Karen said as Hannah leaded into her for a cuddle. "Yes I think you're right," Alan said, "goodnight night angel, we'll call you again tomorrow." "Goodnight Daddy, goodnight papa," Hannah replied sleepily. "Goodnight darling, be good for Nana and Grandpa and Auntie Mia," Freddie said. After we hung up, Karen and I tucked Hannah into bed being careful to make sure she had everything she needed: her nightlight, Juliet and Ellie with her, and Karen and I stayed until she fell asleep. After she was asleep Karen and I turned in for the night.

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