Chapter 36

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Jim's POV
Alan, Freddie and I were sitting outside the courtroom while the judge was talking to Hannah. We were all silent as Sandy and Paul were in an earshot of us. Even though we were all silent I could sense the worry among them. After Sandy's testimony, I was fairly certain that the judge would not send Hannah with Sandy. However I didn't share my thoughts with Freddie and Alan in the rare chance that things didn't go in their favor. 

While we were waiting, I overheard Sandy and Paul say that they were going to head out for lunch.  I could sense of relief among all of us when they left the courthouse. Even though Paul and Sandy had left, we all remained silent; I think it was partly the nerves about what the judge's decision would be. I imagine that Freddie and Alan were also thinking about how Hannah was doing while she was talking the the judge. At one point Freddie got up, when I looked over I realized that Hannah's mother was sitting in a far corner and he was walking towards her. Both Alan and I quickly followed behind; I knew how furious Freddie was when he found out that Alan had spoken to Amanda, I was worried if he made a scene it could influence the judge's decision.  While we weren't too far behind, Freddie got to Amanda before Alan and I did. He started speaking before we could intervene,  "I will never understand how you sat back when your husband did all those awful things to Hannah, you might has well just have been hitting her yourself. It angers me when I think about how much pain she endured," Freddie started.  "Freddie, " Alan tried to interject but Freddie only ignored him . "None the less, I will forever be grateful for what you did for us. You went through great lengths to help Hannah get back to us.  While I cannot bring myself to say that you love Hannah and I can acknowledge that you at least care about her," Freddie finished.  "Thank you Freddie, I can never take back all the pain I caused Hannah. I hate myself for everything I did. I want to do everything I can to make things right, if that means staying far away from Hannah so be it. Freddie your words mean so much to me," Amanda said with tears in her eyes. 

After Freddie's moment we all returned to our respective corners of the hallway. Paul and Sandy came back unaware of what happened. Suddenly we had got word that the judge had finished his talk with Hannah and was ready to announce his decision.  We all entered the courtroom, you could feel the anxiety in the room.  The judge walked up to the stand and began speaking, "after careful consideration it is my decision that Hannah will return to the custody of Freddie Kamar and Alan Murphy. I find no negligence or abuse on their part and I believe it is in Hannah's best interest to return home with her fathers. I find them to be fit parents and have there is no reason to continue this separation between them. I will also be putting in an order of protection that states Sandy must refrain from ever making contact with Hannah, Freddie and Alan. If Sandy violates this order there will be legal consequences," he finished.  There was relief on both Alan and Freddie's faces and they both let out a sigh of relief. After the judge gave his ruling Freddie and Alan embraced each other and they both teared up a bit. I took a peak over at Sandy and her face was red with fury. I saw Paul  whisper a few words to her in an effort to calm her but it didn't seem to have an effect.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Amanda sitting with Eliot, they both had smiles on their faces. Like Freddie, I will never understand how Amanda sat back and watched Hannah endured all of the pain she did but her actions in this court case speak volumes. "Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you for helping us get our daughter back," Freddie said to me. "You did all the real work," I replied. "Now, I think it's time to go get your daughter," I finished. "Yes, can you show us where she is?" Alan said. "Yes of course,  I think she's in an interview room with Charlie. I can show you," I said. 

I led them to the interview room where Hannah was sitting with Charlie, Jack and Annie. Hannah immediately lit up when she saw Freddie and Alan. She ran straight into their arms and they embraced her tightly. "Hannah darling, are you ready to go home now?" Freddie asked as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Really, I can go home now? Forever?" Hannah said with a bright smile on her face. "Yes pumpkin, you're going to be with me and Daddy forever and ever. Everything is okay now, " Alan said to her. "Now say goodbye to Jack and Annie, and thank you them for taking such good care of you sweetheart," Alan said. "Bye-bye, thank you for taking care of me," Hannah said as she wave goodbye to them.  "You're very welcome sweetheart, we will miss you but we are happy you are going home," Annie said. Just as everyone was saying their goodbyes Hannah noticed my presence in the room and tensed up a little bit. Freddie sensed her nervousness and calmed her, "Darling it's alright, this is Jim. He's the man who helped us get you home," he said. "Thank you for helping me get home," Hannah said shyly. "You're very welcome sweetheart, now you all better get going, I am sure everyone is eager to get home," I said. "Yes, we'd better get going," Freddie said as he picked up Hannah. Everyone thanked each other one last time and Freddie and Alan walked off with Hannah in their arms. The three of them were together just as they belonged.  

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