Chapter 31

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Annie's POV
After Hannah's parents left she began to sob and scream for them. Her screams were ear piercing and it broke my heart to see her so hysterical. Every time they left Jack had to hold Hannah in a bear hug to keep her from running after them. Hannah fought her hardest to get out of his grip but he was stronger than her. After it was safe to let her go Hannah collapsed on the floor in a pile of tears. Hannah's sobs were heartbreaking and she kept crying for her Daddy and Papa. I wanted nothing more than to wrap her up in my arms but every time Jack or I tried to touch her she would push us away. After a while she had cried herself out and just laid on the floor staring at the wall. She looked numb, almost as if her mind was somewhere else. "Hannah? Hannah sweetheart?" I asked softly as I sat down next to her. She didn't look at me and just continued to stare at the wall. "Sweetheart, why don't you come have some dinner with me a Jack? You must be hungry," I said to her. She just continued to stare and the wall and gave me no reaction. "Come on Hannah aren't you hungry," I tried once again. She shook her head no slowly and continued to stare at the wall. "Hannah, I know you're really upset right now but I think you should have something go eat," I tried once again. She just continued to lay there staring. "Well, I'll just save you a plate in case you change your mind," I told her and walked away.

Jack and I ate dinner but made sure to keep Hannah in our sight. I could see that it was hurting Jack to see how devastated Hannah. Jack is the type of person who likes to fix things but not matter how hard he tried he couldn't get Hannah happy again. We both knew the only thing that would make her happy was getting her back with her parents. After we finished eating, Jack began to clean up while I fixed Hannah a plate. "Hannah, I brought something to eat, you must be hungry," I said as I put the plate down on the table near her. "I'll just leave it there for you," I told her and walked away.

We gave Hannah her space for the rest of the evening. Her dinner remained untouched all night. After a while she fell asleep on the floor. "How about we put her to bed Jack?" I whispered to him. "Yeah, of course," Jack replied. Carefully, Jack knelt down and began to pick her up. As soon as he started to lift her Hannah woke up and began to softly whimper. "Shh shhh, it's okay pumpkin, I'm just going to take you to your bed," he calmed her. After a couple seconds she settled into his embrace. "That's a girl," Jack said softly to her. After Jack and I tucked Hannah in, she fell back asleep quickly.

Jack and I had settled in for the night, both defeated by our day. Around 3am we were woken up by a blood curdling scream. We both sprang awake trying to make sense of what we just heard. The scream was followed by sobs and we realized it was Hannah. Jack and I both sprang out of bed and ran into Hannah's room. We found Hannah on her bed bawling and clutching her elephant. Hannah was hysterical and no matter how hard we tried we couldn't calm her or even figure out what was wrong. "Hannah, Hannah what's wrong?" I asked her but received no reply . "Sweetheart, did you have a bad dream?" I tried. "Annie," Jack said gently to get my attention. It was then that I realized that Hannah had wet the bed. Hannah noticed Jack and I looking at the wet puddle on the bed and looked ashamed. "Sorry," Hannah managed to get out through her sobs. "It's okay sweetheart. It's not your fault, you were just scared. Come on, I'll help you get cleaned up and Jack will take care of the sheets." I took her to the bathroom and helped her get out of her cloths and into the bath. "Annie, I'm sorry," she said again through her tears as I washed her. "Hannah you don't have to be sorry. It was an accident pumpkin," I told her gently. I quickly cleaned her up I got her into some clean pajamas. After she was dressed, Jack came into the bathroom. Hannah was still upset but her cries subsided to sniffles. "Hannah honey, your sheets are in the wash. I don't think your bed would be very comfortable so how about you sleep with Annie and I tonight?" Hannah shook her head no while she sniffled. It was late and I was getting a little frustrated. "Hannah honey, your bed wouldn't be very comfy right now, I think you would be much more comfortable if you slept with us tonight," I tried to reason with her. She shook her head no again. I sighed, "Hannah what would make you feel better right now?" I asked. "Daddy and Papa," she whimpered. "Hannah honey, you can't see them now, it's too late. What else would make you feel better?" I sighed. "Daddy and Papa," she whimpered out again. I sighed once more, "Hannah, sweetheart they are asleep right now, you won't be able to see them tonight. Is there something else Jack and I can do for you?" I said a bit more frustrated. "Daddy and Papa," she whimpered out one more time. "HANNAH YOU CAN'T SEE THEM NOW," I snapped. As soon as I yelled the water works started up again and she ran to Jack. Jack gave me a disappointed look while she buried herself in his chest. I felt awful, I didn't mean to snap on her but the whole day had gotten the best of me, "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to yell. Honey I'm sorry," I said in a panic. I tried to touch her but she flinched away. "Hannah, I'm so sorry, sweetheart you didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't have yelled," I tried but she just continued to cry in Jack's arms. Jack picked her up and walked towards our bedroom. He sat down with her on the bed and began to rock her. "Shhh shhh, it's okay, you're okay. You're safe, everything's alright," he soothed her as I cowered in the doorway. "Hannah you're going to sleep here tonight and Annie and I are going to sleep in the living room," he told her as he laid her down. After a couple minutes she cried herself to sleep. After Jack got Hannah to sleep he walked past me and into the living room without saying a word.  I couldn't tell if he was disappointed in me or just too tired. He fell asleep on one couch while I settled down on the other. I didn't get much sleep that night. Most of the night I just laid there thinking about how guilty felt and how much of a failure I was.

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