Chapter 23

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Alan's POV
I was half way through my shift at the ER. It had been an interesting day, a few serious cases, a few odd ones but all in all nothing too exhausting. I still had some hours left but I was already looking forward to going home and seeing my family. I usually came home later in the evening on the days I worked. Sometimes Hannah would be asleep when I got home, other nights Freddie would let her stay up and wait for me to put her to bed. If I was lucky, Hannah would stay awake long enough for me to read her a bedtime story. I was finishing up some paperwork when I heard a woman's voice at the nurses station, "I'm looking for Dr. Murphy, Alan Murphy. I need to speak with him it's important," the woman asked desperately. I turned to see who on earth would be in such a panic to talk to me, I was stunned when I turned around and saw it was Hannah's mother. "Dr. Murphy do you know this woman," one of the nurses asked. "Yes, um she's a relative of a former patient. Come on, why don't we go and talk somewhere more private," I said nervously as I dragged her to an empty exam room. "Christ, what the hell are you doing here? Showing up at my work? Someone could have recognized you, especially after the scene you helped cause the last time you were here," I barked at her. "I'm sorry but it's the only way I knew how contact you. It's about Hannah," she said desperately. "Hannah, what about Hannah?" I demanded. "Alan something is wrong. A woman called me today, she was trying to convince me to sue for custody of Hannah," Amanda said. "What? Who was this woman and why on earth would she want you to sue for custody," I demanded. "She was trying to convince me that you and Freddie were negligent. I know that's not true. She said her name was Sandy. I think they may be trying to take her away," Amanda said. "Wait, wait, wait, she said her name was Sandy?!?!" I said. "Yes, do you know who she is?" Amanda asked. "Yes," I said with anger in my voice.

I dragged Amanda to my office, "stay here, don't move! And try not to let anyone see you!" I told her firmly. After tucking Amanda away I marched upstairs to the psych department. I couldn't believe what Amanda had told me. How the hell did Sandy find Amanda and what scheme was she planning, I thought to myself. After I got in the psych floor I ran into Leon. "Leon where the hell is that grad student," I demanded. "Hey, Alan calm down, who are you talking about?" Leon tried to calm me. "You know very well who I am talking about. Sandy, the one who couldn't restrain herself from tormenting Hannah. Where is she," I barked. "Alan calm down, come on let's go talk in my office," Leon said as he pulled me to his office. I was in no mood to be calm but I also didn't want to cause a scene so I reluctantly complied. We arrive to his office and Leon closed the door, "Alan, Sandy's no longer here. She was asked to leave after her dissertation was rejected. After you rightfully so stopped her from contacting Hannah, she had no material for her dissertation," he told me. "What? Ugh so that's why she's doing all of this," I said. "Doing what? Alan what are you talking about?" Leon asked. "Hannah's mother showed up here. She told me Sandy called her trying to convince her that Freddie and I are negligent parents. She said she tried to convince her to sue for custody," I told him. "Alan, are you sure? I mean this all sounds a bit extreme. How would Sandy even get a hold of Hannah's mother," Leon tried to reason. "Do you think I'm making this up? If you don't believe me ask her yourself, she's right downstairs in my office," I told him firmly.

Leon and I walked downstairs to my office where we found Amanda looking like a deer in the headlights. "Amanda this is Leon, he worked in the psych department with Sandy. Tell him what you told me," I told Amanda. "She called me on the phone today, she was trying to convince me to sue for custody of Hannah. She told me that Freddie and Alan were being negligent parents and that they weren't tending to her mental health needs. I know that's not true," Amanda said. Leon looked taken aback, "Everyone slow down. I mean are we sure this is the same Sandy, I mean how would she have even known how to contact you," he said. "Who else would do this? And now that you told me that she was asked to leave it makes perfect sense, she's trying to sabotage us because we took her specimen away," I said. "I think she may be trying to get her taken away, she said if I didn't intervene she would have no choice but to call child protective services," Amanda said. "What did you tell her? " Leon asked. "I told her I wouldn't sue for custody. I mean I couldn't even if I wanted to, I signed away all my rights," Amanda said. "What?! What right does she have to call child protective services? Freddie and I aren't unfit. She hasn't even seen Hannah since we took her home months ago," I said. "Alan, even if she does call them, you're right you have nothing to worry about since you and Freddie haven't done anything wrong. But I do think you should take some precautions. The adoption hasn't been finalized yet, all this might shake things up. It might be a good idea to get the number of a lawyer. I don't think you'll need one but just in case." Leon said. "Alan, I think he's right," Amanda said. "I need to go home, I can't just sit here while all of this is happening, Leon could you get someone to cover for me?" I said. "Yeah of course, go home and check on Hannah," Leon said. "I'm going to leave but let me know if there is anything else I can do," Amanda said before she left. "Alright, I just need to let the other's know I'm leaving them I'm going to go home," I said. "Alan, wait. I hate to have to ask you this and frankly it's none of my business but how did Hannah's mother know to find you here?" Leon asked. "What do you mean? She was here before when her and Hannah's father caused that scene. You remember!" I replied defensively. "Well, I more concerned with how calm you were being with her. If Hannah's mother showed up here I would have thought you would be ripping her to shreds. You two were too familiar with each other," Leon said. "I don't know what you are talking about," I replied defensively. "Alan, she said she knew that you and Freddie weren't negligent," Leon said. "Alright, that wasn't the first time  we've talked. We ran into her at the grocery store once and then I met with her to make sure she stayed away from Hannah. But that was it," I said, not telling him the full truth. "Alan, all I'm saying is you need to be careful, now go home to your family," Leon said.

After gathering my things I rushed home. The whole way home I was driving like a bat out of hell, all I could think of was making sure Hannah was okay. As soon as I got home I burst through the door, "FREDDIE, FREDDIE," I called out. Freddie was in the kitchen but came to the front when he heard me come in. "Darling, what a surprise, what are you doing home early? Is everything all right?" Freddie asked with concern in his voice. "Where's Hannah?" I asked. " She's right in the living room with Juliet. Alan what's wrong?" Freddie asked me. "Has anyone called here or came her asking about Hannah?" I asked. "No, Alan can you tell me what's going on," Freddie asked. I was just about to tell him what was happening when the doorbell rang. "Who could that be?" Freddie asked. Freddie and I went to answer the door and there was a woman standing there with a police officer. "Hello are you Alan Murphy and Fredrick Kamar?" the woman asked. "Yes, what's going on?" Freddie asked nervously. "My name is Emily, I'm a social worker with child protective services and this is Officer Stevens. I have an order authorizing me to take protective custody of Hannah."

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