Chapter Two

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Esmée pov

Knock knock "Esmée honey are you awake"

"now i am dad" I mumbled

"Oh good i will give you a ride to school today okey"

"Okey" uhhhhh first day of hell oh sorry i mean school this is going to be so much fun can you hear that I am very sarcastic
And now it's time to get out of bed that has the warm, comfortable and soft covers come on Esmée you got this.

I get out of bed and go to my bathroom to shower and do my morning routine once am done I go to my closet and pick out a red hoodie and some black jeans. When am done i walk downstairs and se that dad has made me some toast and a glas of orange juice.

"morning sweetheart"

"Morning dad thanks for the breakfast" i said while i had toast in my mouth.
The thing is that my dad and i don't talk much after mom left it's mostly silence but it isn't an awkward silence

"Am just going to get my bag meet you in the car?"

"Sure" my dad answered and walk through the door.

When we got to school i saw many students some look like lost freshman and others like they owned the place.

"I'll call you when am done" I said before going out the door without my dad's answer.

I walk up to the doors and I can feel people steering once am inside i try to walk to the head office
Keyword: try
After about five minutes i found it and walk inside.

At the desk sits and woman in about her late thirtys with a smile as se sees me.

"How can i help you"

"Oh am here for my schedule"

"What is your name dear"

"Esmée Martin"

"Here you go Esmée. Amelia come here.
This is the person you will show around the school"

A girl that had brown hair and blue eyes come forward and shaket my hand.

"Let's get going. what is your first class?" she asked while walking out of the head office.

"Oh um math"

"Great we have the same class it is right here" we didn't need to be go to my locker because i haven't gotten any books yet.

We walk in and almost every seat is taken and the teacher gave us an angry look but his eyes soften when he saw my slip and gave me my math books.

"go sitt next to Mr Martinez" i turn around to see who it was and saw everyone looking at this guy with a leather jacket and black jeans everything about him just screamed bad boy and that is why i guees everyone was looking at him. i take my seat next to him and i can feel his eyes burning holes through the side of my face. I turn around and we make eye contact for a few seconds and i get to see his face. He has blue/Grey eyes and dark brown hair and some freckles a will admit it he is super hot. After a few minutes i break the contact and focus on the teacher.

After some time i get stuck on this one math problem so i asked the Martinez guy next to me.

"Hey um can you help me with this problem" he looked surprised when i had asked him but then his face expresion changed into a smirk

"Of course mi amor" the nickname gave a shiver down my spine. Because we were in the back of the classroom nobody saw him get up and help me and surprisingly he was good. After he helped me i asked for his name but he just smirked and before i could ask any questions the bell rang and everybody was out of the classroom and as i walk out i see Amelia waiting for me.

"Let's go to your locker"

"Okey my locker is 377"

"Oh mine is on the other side"

As we walk in the hallway a can feel some people's eyes on me and hear whispers but i don't look or listen to them.

When we get to my locker Amelia says

"Why is Leonardo and his friends looking at you" i turn and see the guy from my math class and we make eye contact again.

"I don't know" well this day just got more interesting

Chapter 2 done feel free to write what you though about it
Love goofysknight

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