Great day is it?

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Your POV:

Okay, so it's Black, what is she doing here? Ms Connors and I spent the whole morning at the coffee. She was there the whole time except when I arrived. Ms Connors said that she needs to go, so we said our goodbyes and went on our way.

I went out and saw Black getting up too. I started walking towards the forest when somehow Black teleported in front of me, now without the cloak.

- Hey (Y/N)! - She smiled at me.

- Hey Black! What are you doing here?

- Just walking. Do you want to do something? Like go to that Funland that Steven was talking to me about? - She asked me.

- That's a great idea. So you and Steven get along? - I asked as we made our way to the closest warp pad.

- Yeah, he is cool, I mean a boy who has his mother's powers and unites everyone with the power of love is awesome. - She adored him as we warped away, okay Steven you got one more Mom to yourself. We walked silently, but Black broke the silence when we arrived - So what do you want to do first?

- Sit down and sleep on a bench! - I yelled, which caused an old woman to look at me weirdly. We both started laughing as the lady walked away trying to think nothing happened. - On a serious, note I think the roller coaster would be great to try. - I said politely, I'm scared about that cloaked figure thing. Lunch is close now, but I don't think I'll eat, I don't want to see it again after one roller coaster ride.

We went up to the size measure that shows if I'm tall enough to ride or not.

I was/wasn't tall enough. So I could go/ So I shapeshifted a little so I could go. Black of course was tall enough, I think in her real form she would be more than enough and that would be a problem.

- Keep your morning (F/D) inside - She snickered.

- I'll try, but how do you Kn u a-a-a? - I started but screamed at the end of it because the ride started.

- I CAN'T HEAR YOU! - She screamed with the ride. After that we took some more rides, but she said she has to do something so I said:

- Okay, I'll see you at home, if I'm at Beach City I'll check out Steven's home if it changed.

Black's POV:

No, no, no she/he can't go there the whole morning that teacher stopped her/him from seeing the empty house of theirs and now it's my turn and almost she/he wants to go to the another empty place, caused the surprise.

-Blue hurry up and be here to talk to her. - I said with some of White's power in Blue's head hopefully...

Now all I need is something to stop her/him from going there too soon until Blue comes. And there comes Blue.

- THANKS! - I shouted in her head and she got frightened of it. (Y/N) Laughed at her frightening from "nothing" and went up to say hi I went there and said hi too winked and said bye to (Y/N) And went away to help in the plan.

Your POV:

Blue's here my day will be with full of people and no time for myself, but it's better than being left out on my own birthday.

- So (Y/N) do you want to go to Funland with me? - She asked.

- Of course, but I was already there once with Black today. - I told her

- No problem we will see some of that fun games and not the rides, Okay? - Blue said, but before that I heard her murmur that "Of course she had to use the Funland card to keep her back" Okay I'm seriously scared.

- So what Booth we should go first? - I asked Blue.

- The booth of death! - Okay the lady from before walked close by again and looked more shocked than with my bench sleeping joke. Blue and I bursted out laughing at her face, I think she thinks that Blue and I have the same stupid mind or she is my mother, I think she thinks that we have the same stupid mind hopefully.

- In serious note, go you have any idea? - I thought for a moment but my stomach decided for us with a loud sound - I think your stomach has one - She stated while laughing so our first trip went to the corn dog stand. 

After the (Y/N) is hungry again because of trying to be still as humanly as possible (even after I was poofed once) so after hunger incident I looked at the time and saw that it's already 5PM. Time runs by when you're with a Friend and Ms Rumors.

Me and Blue stated playing games. We found a stand where there were (G/C) and (F/C) (Favorite/Animal) pluses and you could win then if you throw the cans down. I wanted to win one but Blue insisted to play. She throw the ball in the game with so much force and it went through to wall of the booth and threw every can down and Guess who was walking there? Right the old lady who thinks we are crazy. I think she thinks she is dreaming this and this is not real maybe, because when she saw it she hummed and went in the other direction yeah we made a good impression on her.

Currently is 7PM and I told Blue that I should go home. I still live at the treehouse, but I sleep at home till Black is fine with the place and Mom is not trying to kill her, Black thinks that she will start a new life here or on the Diamond's Homeworld after she learned how to control her powers and can be with her true love White.

-Hope you heard this thought White!

Blue insisted on coming with me and using the warp pad in Steven's house which was empty no it's not too suspicious, nooooo it's not...

We warped to the closest warp pad to the forest and started walking.

- So Black ... Why did you go with her (Y/N) she could've hurt you, your lucky that she liked you - She scolded me.

- It was White's plan to go to her and yeah I'm lucky that in reality she is good but was misunderstood. - I smiled at her - I was like that too from my father, he always said that I'm like my Mom when I did something and when I was angry because it's been the thousands time when he said that he thought that I'm a bad person, but in reality I was just annoyed about the constant "your just like her". - I told her - And when Holly came he just ignored me... - I explained sadly.

- But he stopped it didn't he?

- I think so, just like the Black is evil sentence. - I smiled as we reached the forest but something was placed in front of my not covered eye. Still I kept the eye patch on.

I see nothing... Okay it's like an attack she and Black worked together. Oh My God, Can't I have a peaceful day?

- Blue what are you doing?

- Just wait a little and you will see - She said in an evil tone.

Okay I'm officially dead

Author's note:

What just happened and what will happen now? We'll see it in the next chapter 😁

I had a lot of fun writing and rereading it 😂 I hope you've liked it too 🙃

(Y/N) Demayo going backWhere stories live. Discover now