Chapter Sixteen: Love Burn

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2 weeks later

Kaycee's POV

"kaycee, wait up." i heard a familiar voice say. i turned to see sean running towards me. i smiled and gave him a fist bump once he reached me. i know you're confused so let me rewind for you.

2 weeks ago...

ken and i were at a cafe waiting on nat and manny to meet us. we were so engaged in each other's presence, we didn't notice someone standing over us.

"can i talk to you guys for a minute?" i looked up and saw sean. ken and i looked at each other before allowing him to sit. "what do you want to talk about?" ken asked.

sean took a deep breath and turned to ken. "i want to apologize for the way i acted--the way i've been acting. for a while now. first to you, kaycee. i shouldn't have neglected you in your time of need, at all for that matter. you are such a great friend and it'd mean a lot if you'd give me another chance. i won't leave this time." he said looking me in the eye. they beamed with sincerity.

"and then to you, ken. you have been there for me since day one and i never want to lose this friendship. you're one of my best friends and i don't know where i'd be if i didn't have you as my partner in crime." he said, making ken chuckle. "i value both of your friendships so much and it'd mean a great deal if you guys even considered forgiving me."

i smiled at his apology. ken looked at me almost as if he was asking for approval. suddenly, ken put his hand out to sean. "of course we forgive you. you're my brother."

sean smiled ear to ear at our forgiveness. we welcomed him to stay at the cafe with us, to which he happily accepted. "sit next to your girl, ken." sean said with a small smile on his face. ken chuckled then moved to my side of the booth. sean watched us happily as we let him catch up on our lives and us his.

"hey, gang!" nat greeted cheerfully. we greeted her back as she sat next to sean. manny came in shortly after and settled next to nat.
Present time

"hey! how'd you do on the test?" i asked him.

"i did great. i had one hell of a study buddy." sean smiled putting his arm around me. "you're a fucking genius."

i shook my head in amusement. "I'm proud of you, shamu. and i knew you'd pass, which is why...." i paused pulling a paper out of my bag and showed him it. "i think we should have a party redo. i know our first one together wasn't very good since i almost got in a fight and then fled the scene. so i want to make it up to you." i explained showing him the flyer.

sean stared at the paper then back at me as if contemplating. soon enough, there was a smile on his face. "okay." he nodded. "okay, i'll go. but, for your safety, i want all of us to go. plus, we can have more fun when they're around."

i smiled at his answer and started babbling on about how much fun we were gonna have. he began laughing at me. "what?" i asked.

"you're so happy about this. you're like an angel---so bright and happy." sean said smiling at me in adoration. a soft blush rose to my cheeks at his words. why am i blushing? i'm not supposed to blush at his words.

"thank you, shamu." i said fondly.
"i promise you. i won't leave your side for a second." sean said. bailey nodded in agreement. we just arrived to the frat party and flowed out of the two cars we came in. i wore a grey hoodie sean let me borrow last minute that said his brand on it. under that, i wore a black halter top with some red leggings that had white stripes on the sides. my hair was in a wavy state.

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