Chapter 5 | "You're not just anyone Blondie you're MY ANGELINA"

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Good lord its been a while since I've updated now hasn't. im so so sorry loves. Its just ive been so caught up in my own life that I've got no time to focus on wattpad. But now im back and im gonna update and finish my books as soon as I can. Cos' im done with everything related to my marriage. I came back from my honeymoon a few days back. We went to Bora Bora and spent half the time in bed ;) ahahaha. Well anyways, I hope you all like this chapter. My writing might be a bit rusted considering how its been a while since I've written so yeah, enjoy !

5. "You're not just anyone Blondie, you're MY ANGELINA

It had been almost an hour since we had come been in Kristin's and let me tell you, those were the most tiresome 60 minutes of my life.

First as soon as we got into the room, she put me in the shower and made me take a shower right in front of her because apparently, she wanted the bath tub and she wanted to shower first but she also wanted me to shower first too. Therefore, she put me under the rain shower and she herself got into the bathtub and half of the time I could swear she was sleeping instead of scrubbing her body - which was what she wanted to do in the first place.

As for my scars, thankfully, because of the steam in the shower (and also because her eyes were closed) she couldn't see any of them and I thanked the heavens for that.

Now, I was standing inside the walk in closet, filled with clothes designed by one person. Kristin Kroeger. I was jealous actually. Of how talented she was. Her clothes were perfect in size and the colours she had used to make them were perfect too. She showed me her newest line of clothing and must I say, they were the most beautiful designing of clothing I've seen in a long time.

"You can have all these if you want to," she said running a hand through one of her dresses, "I don't come here anymore and since you and Aiden are like a thing, and also because I like you, you can keep them." She smiled at me.

"Aiden and, I," I shook my head, "we're not a thing."

She laughed, "I said that with Chase half the time when we dated in high school." I rolled my eyes, "but I think we all know that he and I, were, a big thing."

"So you two are high school sweethearts?"

"Not exactly, we were let's, say that," she moved to the other side of the closet, "we were fuck buddies."

"Fuck buddies?" She nodded

"He and I had sex in high school," I raised a brow, "A lot of sex."

"Why?" My curiosity spoke up at what could be the worst of time.

"What do you mean why?" She laughed, "He was the bad boy. He was what every girl wanted. So me being the young, stupid, foolish bitch I was thought that if I could make him fall for me, I'd break every single female soul I hated."

"So you just used him?" Honestly speaking, I was surprised.

"Yes, I did," she accepted it and I was suddenly even my curious then before so I listened, "But then in between all of that, I fell for him, but it was too late."


"He found out that I was using him." I gasped.


"My best friend," my mouth fell open, "she got me drunk and recorded me confessing all that," I shook my head, "but one thing she didn't record was me confessing that I loved him." I noticed how teary she was. She was literally teary. "Oh crap my make up." She wiped her face and I laughed.

"Then how'd you two end up together again?"

"He's a singer," she said finally picking out a dress which I assumed was for her, "We met again when I went to design his clothes for him," I nodded and then she laughed, "but then a chain of events happened and we ended up having to tolerate each other for an extra few reasons," I giggled, "it's actually funny you see," I raised a brow, "because I've never told anyone about us. So don't tell anyone else about this okay?" I nodded.

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