Chapter 8: In The Sewers

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"Sora! Piri!" Hayner yelled as he, Pence, and Olette came to them.

"Hey, guys! How's it going?" Piri smiled and her and Olette hugged, "I missed you, sister!"

"Me too, but you, girl!" She giggled.

"So is anything weird happening?" Pence asked and Hayner rasied an eyebrow.

"Really? Since when has a big blob of monsters shown up around here?" Hayner crossed his arms. "It's not weird, this is underprecedented."

"Do you mean 'unprecedented'?" Piri smiled in amusement from his word error. Hayner sighed.

"Whatever..." He huffed and everyone giggled or chuckled.

"Well, those creatures from the last time were bright white." Pence scratched his head, "These black things must be new. Man, I can't wait to get to sleuthing!"

"We're already done with the school project, silly." Olette pointed out with a smile. "Whatever's going on, you four wouldn't be here unless you had a good reason."

Piri pouted, 'So, we wouldn't be here to see you guys?' she wanted to say. "Sure..." She made a sour face and looked away.

"Well, we're looking for Roxas and a girl named Xion." Sora said to them.

"Roxas? Xion?" Hayner asked, then he started to think about it, "We haven't meet a Xion but Roxas sounds familiar."

"Maybe we bumped into him somewhere." Pence wondered out loud.

"Uh, that's one way to put it." Donald said. Both him and Goofy had sad looks on their faces.

"Actually, I remember Irix talking about you guys like she knew you three after we left Twilight Town for the first time, but when when saw her with you guys, I could tell she was hurting. She knows another version of ya!" Goofy said and Sora nodded.

"Yeah, and she is his girlfriend, so Roxas must have been friends with them too!" Sora smiled.

"Goofy, show them the photo of Irix, Roxas, and the others!" Piri said and he nodded, showing the photo. Hayner took the photo from Goofy and the other three looked at it.

"Wow, it looks like we've got the same one... without Irix or Roxas." Pence said, taking out the version of the photograph out.

"Oh yeah! The other Twilight Town!" Hayner grinned, remembering the transporter to it.

"It's like one of those 'spot the difference' puzzles... except really easy." Pence pointed out as he looked at the photos. "I guess we really are friends with Roxas and Irix."

"Sora, Piri, let us help you track Roxas down-"

"Xion too!" Piri smiled, "You'll want to be friends with her!"

"Okay, her and Roxas!" Hayner corrected himself with a smile.

"Really?" Sora said excitedly. Piri could sense Roxas getting excited as well as Xion.

"Yeah, they seem pretty dope." Hayner grinned and Donald blinked.

"'Dope'?" He asked.

"Well, they are!" Sora grinned, giggling, "You've already met Irix, so this will be a blast for you six!"

"Great. Then let's all go ask around town." Pence nodded, "If alternative-us knew Roxas and Irix, then maybe alternative-other folks did too."

"Mhm. Sora, you four should go to the place in the photo." Olette told him, "It's the old mansion. The three of us can take care of things here."

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