Chapter 25: Baby Food

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Elsa and Piri's travels upward the north mountain was more in depth and they came to this frozen pond and waterfall. Piri was simply amazed by the scenery. How the snow and ice glistened from the moonlight.

"Elsa, look how pretty this is..." The blue haired girl said breathlessly. "I bet it was your magic that did this."

"No, it couldn't have been..." Elsa said, not even wanting to look. Piri sighed and smirked, feeling like a little kid in all this snow and ice.

She ran across the snow and jumped, planning to slide across the ice pond. When she landed on the ice, she did slide after landing on her butt. She groaned, rubbing her bottom. She tried to get up but continued to fall. She pouted blushing in embarrassment. Elsa chuckled softly and decided to help her.

"You okay?" She asked, using her magic to help her up to stand up.

Piri sighed nervously holding onto her, "Y-yeah... I guess I'm too used to the beach. Our island is too tropical for ice and snow. Yet, this stuff makes me feel like I'm younger."

"Is that so?" She asked gently with a smile.

"Yeah, it's a change to say the least..." Piri slowly let go and saw a pile of snow on the bank. She carefully slide to it and dug through it, making a small snow cave. She giggled and curled up into it, slightly tired. However she sensed Nobodies and Heartless getting closer, pouting. "As much as I wanna stay here, we need to move on... Uh, where are we going again?"

"Wherever I can go without hurting people..." She said, sounding a bit sad.

"...Very well..." Piri sighed and nodded, sad smiling. She then realized someone was missing, "Wait, where's Snowy?"


With Sora, Donald, and Goofy, the baby was crying really loudly and Goofy was holding him. Donald groaned, covering his ears, "Ugh, we at least have baby supplies, what does he need?"

"Maybe he's hungry?" Sora said as Kokichi cried.

"U-um..." Donald dug through the baby bag for food and found it. But Goofy- the one holding him- smelt Kokichi, figuring out what was happening.

"Gosh! What is that smell?!" Sora gagged, covering his nose. He felt his phone vibrating.

"Oh, A-yhuck! He must have done his business! Me and Donald will show you how it's done!" Goofy cheerfully said and looked around for a place to change Kokichi. Donald got the diapers, wipes, and baby powder. Sora's phone vibrated again.

Sora gulped and nervously answered the call, "H-hey Riku, hehe..."

"...Hey." Riku knew something was up, Sora could tell, "Well, Mickey recommended us to take a break and set up camp. He's asleep right now, and we needed some rest but all I could think about are you guys. How you all doing on your end."

"Yeah, where's Reese?" Lightning's voice came through and Sora gulped.

"W-well..." Sora rubbed the back of his head and the baby started babbling on loudly, loud enough for Lightning and Riku to hear. "U-Um... Piri had her baby."

"What? When?" Riku automatically asked, concerned. Sora bit his lip, unsure himself.

"Sora, is Piri there? I haven't heard her voice yet," Lightning asked, slightly overwhelming him. "She can explain-"

"That's the problem! She's not available at the moment!" Sora shouted, which it got quiet on the other end. "Piri's protecting a queen from another world... Though I don't exactly know why..."

"Hm..." Riku was thinking but Lightning was getting onto Sora.

"You better fine them young man." Lightning had a dark look and everything.

"I-I'm sorry! I don't know where she went-"

"Do you want to die?" Lightning cracked her knuckles and Riku sweat dropped. Sora trembled unpleasantly.

"I-I'll find her, Light..."

"Good. I don't want to find out that she's hurt... Are we clear?"

"I-I..." Sora was sweating bullets as his heart was about to pound out of his chest. He couldn't even swallow the lump in his throat, "Y-yes, m-ma'am..."

"Geez..." Riku smirked with an amused chuckled. "Well, anyway, try to find out why Piri took off with the queen."

"O-okay." Sora nodded and Riku hung up. The brunette sighed and looked at Donald and Goofy, who finally got Kokichi to calm down. "I think we need to try to go get Piri and bring her back."

"Gwarsh, if we take Kokichi with us, he'd be in danger!" Goofy said as he felt concerned for the little baby.

"Yeah, we can't leave him alone here either." Donald said and Sora nodded. There was a sudden scratch at the door. They thought it was nothing until it got louder and louder. "Wak!! What's the big idea here!?"

"I'll get it..." Sora answered the door and saw a certain Ninetales at it. "Snowy?"

She nodded and walked in, looking for a certain someone. When she spotted a sleeping Kokichi, she walked up to him and Goofy, who was holding him, and sat in front of him.

"What's the matter, Snowy?" Goofy asked and the Ninetales closed her eyes, which confused the trio. When she lifted her muzzle up, they all saw Piri's wayfinder around Snowy's neck. The wayfinder glowed dimly.

"I have gained more strength and power. I can take full responsibility for my master when she cannot prove it, if it so as much as protects her blood offspring." The heard a voice come from her. "As you humans call it... 'babysitting'. Although, I do not get why sitting on the baby is healthy for it..."

"D-don't worry about that part." Sora sweat dropped, "You shouldn't sit on the baby."

"I know of that, at least." Ninetales stood as Goofy lead her to the crib on the the other side of the cabin.

"Well, good. That's step one..." Sora said, rubbing the back of his head, "I-I don't know much about babies so..."

"Do not fret, boy. For I know how to; master has taught me all she had been learning about human babies." She nodded, "I found a technical machine so I can learn Psychic. With this move, I could feed him, clean him, change his diapers, and so much more."

"Oh..." Sora seemed interested and curious, "Uh, how exactly?"

"Okay, let's say your the baby..." Snowy's eyes glowed blue and blue energy surrounded Sora. He couldn't on his own then, but he was lifted into the air and placed in a chair. "What do babies usually eat?"

"Uh, baby food but-"

"I shall get the baby food then." Snowy ran to the door way but then stopped looked at Sora, frowning, "Do not move, human."

"U-uh, but-"

"Just stay in that exact place." She ran out of the room. Sora, Donald, and Goofy blinked, taking a moment to process what was happening. Sora was the most concerned.

"...Is someone going to tell her regular teens don't eat baby food?"

(AN Chapter done. I promise there will be more story content next chapter!)

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