Baby Lukey

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A/n: a polyamorous relationship?? Between Luke crystal and mike? I think yes 
Arzaylea rolled her eyes as the little cried again and threw his fists against the sheets.
"Luke stop crying! I didn't even hit you that hard!" She shouted grabbing Luke tightly by his arm.
He gasped and started crying louder. You see, Luke is a little and she was supposed to be his caretaker, his mommy. She's not a very good mommy. She's mean verbally and physically only when he's in his littlespace. 
"I'm fucking done I can't do this anymore! I can't take care of a grown ass man that acts like a child," Arz growled as she made her way towards the open bedroom door.
"Mommy? M-Mommy no, Lulu be good I promise! Don't leave-"
"Fuck off and grown up," she mumbled before slamming the door shut and leaving.
Luke's eyes welled up with tears again as he sat on the floor, his nappy already wet and his blue onesie with food stains on it.
"Luke? Luke! Hey Arz called me and told me about the break up," Michael called out as he entered the house, "I just wanted to come check on you, bud."
It was silent as he walked through. Michael's heart broke as he heard the small sniffles of Luke's cries from the closed bedroom.
"Lukey? Can I come in?" Mike asked softly on the other side of the door.
"Mimi? Mommy no here no more," luke cried and Michael quickly entered the room, knowing how fragile little Luke is.
"Oh my god, Lu."
Michael had tears in his own eyes as he noticed Luke's dirty onesie and how it was wet slightly from sitting in that wet nappy for hours. How could she do this to him? He had red marks and bruises in his arms and Michael tried his best to hide how livid he was.
"Let's get you all cleaned up, okay baby boy?"
"O-Otay, Mimi."
The two cuddled closer on the couch of Michael's house, Luke begging to come over to see Southy. Tangled played on the tv as Luke snuggled in closer.
"Are you thirty, baby?" Michael asked with a smile.
"Uh huh, lulu really thirsty," he pouted, "I haves juice please?"
"Mike, Im home- oh hi Luke," crystal said with a smile as she entered the house with a few bags.
"Hey babe, little Luke here is gonna be staying for a few days," Michael informed her as she sat the bag down and sat next to Luke on the opposite side.
"How's the little bug today, huh?" She asked as she poked his sides.
"Stop it stop it!" He giggles as his cheeks flushed pink.
"I was about to go get Luke some juice, I'll be right back."
Crystal followed mike into the kitchen and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why are you looking at me like that for?" He asked softly.
"You know we've basically been waiting for this moment right? The day Luke would be with us and we could be his caretakers."
"Crys, I don't think he feels that way about us like we do about him... what if he says no?"
"Come on, it's worth a shot right? We're both too dominant for one of us to be a little, and we've discussed Luke before-"
"So you're saying you want us to be Luke's mommy and daddy? I like the way you think, babe," he said with a smirk.
Some the pitter patter of Luke's feet waddled into the kitchen.
"Da- uh Mimi, is my juice ready yet?" He blushed as he caught himself about to call Mikey Daddy.
"Yes, angel. Here ya go," he said as he handed the grape juice to him.
"Tank oo, Mimi."
"You can call him daddy if you want to, LuLu. It won't bother us any," crystal said with a warm smile.
"Really? I can call Mimi my daddy?"
"I-If you want to of course I-"
"Daddy can you play with me and southy?" Luke interrupted with a wide smile and a slight blush.
Michael let out a sharp breathe as his heart beat increased and he felt just pure happiness.
"Sure can, baby boy. Just go watch tangled for a bit longer okay?"
"Okay... can I call you mommy?" Luke asked softly as he tried snuggling into crystals side.
She giggled and tears almost cane to her eyes, "of course, angel. Come on bug, let's go watch tangled."
"This is gonna make for interesting threesomes-"
"Mike! Hush not when he's little!" Crystal gasped and laughed.
Michael chuckled as well and sighed, things are gonna be so good from now on.

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