The beginning of the Origin

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It's been years since Papyrus arrived on the surface and a lot has happened within that short amount of time since he's been up there, he hasn't forgotten about his mission to free the other monsters and his brother from the underground. But it was hard to locate Mount Ebott and the barrier, plus he was also training his new little brother how to use Magic to pass it off as a quirk. You could say that Papyrus has a full plate of things to do but one thing he didn't expect is to be adopted by the Midoriya family since Izuku told his mom that his new friend doesn't have a place to stay and how Papyrus got separated from his only family left and that was his big brother from a villain attacking their home Inko took pity on Papyrus and welcome him into her family but she also saw how Papyrus was a good influence on her son Izuku bringing his confidence back.

Now we find our young heroes to be in a class at Aldera Junior High as a few students talking about where they were going for high school before their teacher comes in. Teacher: ''Hello students today we'll be discussing your future professions,'' he then proceeds to throw the papers in his hand into the air while laughing ''But we all know you want to be heroes right!" He said getting all the students to cheer except for three, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, and Papyrus Midoriya The last of three was currently working on finding Mount Ebott with little success but that hasn't stopped him because it's his goal to see his brother and the others again it didn't matter how long it took for Papyrus because he'll never give up.

Katsuki: '' Oi, teacher don t lump me with the rest of these losers.'' This, of course, got on the rest of the student' s nerves but before they could even protest Katsuki got on his desk and shouted, ''Unlike the rest of you extras I'm going to U.A.'' He said causing them to shut up before they could even get in a word.

Teacher: ''Hey Midoriya didn't you and your brother apply to that school to-" however before he could finish the entire class started laughing at Izuku. But before anyone could say anything a flash of orange came from Papyrus causing everyone to look away when it died down. They turn to look at Papyrus what they saw shocked them as Papyrus they knew looked . . . different he looks more mature and tired and giving them all heated death glare making everyone shut up all but one, that person was Katsuki Bakugo.

"Deku! You're worse than the rest of these extras, you're quirkless. You think you can compete with me!?" Bakugo exclaims while firing off an explosion on Izuku's desk causing him to fall backward out of his chair and onto the floor. He then looms menacingly over Izuku but before he could continue hurting Izuku a faint orange cover Katsuki Bakugo and started pulling him right torts Papyrus who at this point is standing and grab Bakugo shirt collar pulling him closer making it look like Papyrus was looming over Bakugo as Papyrus left eye was glowing with magic.

 He then looms menacingly over Izuku but before he could continue hurting Izuku a faint orange cover Katsuki Bakugo and started pulling him right torts Papyrus who at this point is standing and grab Bakugo shirt collar pulling him closer making it...

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Papyrus said in a very pissed off voice "DO THAT AGAIN I WILL END YOU." After getting a quick nod from Bakugo being afraid, of Papyrus because he remembers what happened to him as a kid when he first met Papyrus after that day. Papyrus shoved Bakugo back into his desk and went back to his desk and fell asleep, as for Izuku He quickly got up he fixed his desk and pulled out a specific Journal that had information about his brothers quirk he knew that Papyrus has a really unique quirk that no one else has and he's been studying it ever since he first met him 'the orange flash meant for Stretch the overprotective and lazy personality of his brother' Izuku only ever saw three different personalities of his brothers quirk he knows there are more personalities but they haven't shown themselves yet. The first one he met was Stretch when kacchan didn't listen to Papyrus warning him about bullying Izuku.

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