Chapter 4: You and your movies.

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Chapter 4: You and your movies

"You wanna be locked up in the car?" Waren politely said to me as she peeked through my window. Oh. We're here.

I was too afraid that through the whole ride I kept on playing calming mantras in my head. I focused on breathing exercises and kept my eyes off the window as much as possible. Ohhhkaaay. His driving isn't that bad. And I should stop panicking. You know, it's just a ride. And besides, Waren was riding with us. He wouldn't let anything bad to his sister, would he?

A knock from the car window snapped me out of my useless thoughts. And an annoyed face of my dear Waren is well visible. "Oh. Yeah. Haha. Whoops." I unlocked the door. But of course the evil Will locked it using his remote key. You know the automatic lock and unlock and alarm key- something. I saw him gawking outside the window. I did nothing but glare. I pulled the lock up again and the same response from him annoyed the crap out of me. I groaned inside the car. It's too early for me to be annoyed. It's not right to let him ruin my morning, although he already ruined it moments before. What I mean is I won't let him ruin it even more. I grabbed a pen from my bag, pointing its tip on Will's car windows. With an evil smile I slowly neared it on the glass windows.

Realizing what I was about to do, Will's face instantly dropped. I almost laughed but I might really scratch his window so I stopped myself. I don't really plan on scratching it 'cause he would make me pay so much for it or prank on me big time. Yeah, he loved his car that much that even a tiny scratch would drive him nuts.

He sprinted to get to me, almost tumbling on a trash can. I saw Waren rolling her eyes at the corner and then scamperred off. Will reached me in no time. The car door flew open with my pen never touching its window."Why, thank you!" I feigned a royalty. "Ever the gentleman, Mr. William Zen Parker. " I sent him a glance and a smug smile once I was out of the car. Then I rushed to the school doors. "Everything for my baby." I caught him say. He's referring to his car. I looked back at him and saw that he's checking his car. He breath out a sigh after confirming that no harm came to his baby. I sighed at myself. Better get this day on.

Ring! Frantic Ring!

I was half asleep half day dreaming in my chemistry class when finally the final bell rang. Ear drum-wrecking as usual. I did what's necessary and that includes dropping by my locker and such. I have a big assignment that needs to be done today and guess what, I haven't started a thing yet.

As my feet landed outside the school, a yelp escaped me. Who wouldn't do that when you're purposely blown by a car horn. Who wouldn't? I glared at Will, the driver of that specific car behind me. He has that usual smirk on his face. I ignored him and walked. He tagged behind me. "Hey!" Ignore him. "Hey, Snow!" Keep walking. Just keep walking. He'll leave soon. "Ssssuuuunnnnnnooooooowww! Loooookk aaaatt mmmmeee." And I really don't wanna hear that sound. He shouted my name like he's some whale. Watch Finding Nemo. Dory did a really good job in talking whale but Will doing it is just not.. legal. My hands covered my dear ears and my head snapped at him. He's upper body is peeking outside the car's window. His hands are in a cave form by his mouth- the thing you do when shouting.

"What!?!" I asked him irritatingly.

"Get in."

"I don't want to."

"Yes you do. And you should."

"Why would I and why should I?" I raised an eyebrow.

"First of all, because you love me. Second, mom's orders. Third, you'll save time. And fourth. Because. You. Love. Me."

What the actual fudge

"Ex-cuh-use me! Totally mistaken there, sir.Thank you, but I'd rather walk."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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