Chapter 1: The New Beginning

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As Death sat on the steep ledge towards the hole that looked down on to the realm of mortals, he began to chuckle. "Look at how idiotic mortal's are, thinking they can cheat me. Or how they will kill each other for stupid things such as money, possession's, or other mortals." Death looked at Life. Death sneered because Life wasn't paying any attention towards him. Life was instead looking down the mortal realm at a woman and man loving their newborn baby, which Life was very proud of her work and was ready to see the baby about to be named. The newborn was a female named Elizabeth Jones Shandi, weighing 11.7 pounds and 10.5 inches long she was born on Friday October 19th. "Happy Birthday Elizabeth." Life whispered with a smile under her breath, but the smile began to fade, Death noticed Life's emotion. Life was depressed that she would never be able to know what it is like to be a mother, unless someone wanted a child with her.  Death kept staring at her for what felt like a long time, along with his red skull pupils, until finally Life looked at him. "What is troubling you?" asked Death cocking an eyebrow of curiosity. Life then sighed and began to untie the bracelet that kept her hair up, she then let it down and began to brush her hair with her hands. Death knew this was a sign of anxiety towards Life. Death floated towards her and wrapped his wings around her to show that he had empathy. "Already, spill your guts." Life began to speak but Death grabbed an apple out of his pouch of souls to help him think. Death motioned to continue while munching on an apple. Life then sighed and covered her head in her own wings and began to sob. Death ate and held her closer towards himself the heat from her skin made him feel less dead. It was a long heavy soap opera almost as if Life had a lot of sadness in her and it couldn't get free. She started to speak once again. "I just... well I-I want to have a baby." Death began to choke on his apple that he was eating. There was a long pause after Death puked back up the substance of purity and ate it once again. " What are you thinking? We don't have time for that! Let alone we don't have time for  ourselves!" Death asked, he looked rather angry with his skulls raging from the obscurity of such a statement. Life looked up at him tears in her eyes Death hated looking at her like this, hell just watching Life being miserable made Death miserable. Soon Death got a tingling sensation, the sensation that some mortal died. "I am sorry, my love." Death slipped away from Life's warm grasp he immediately felt like a cold corpse again. Death was flying across a little humble town called Rector. Someone has died of old age. Death just grabbed the mortal soul and left, but before he went back he looked back at the old fart. "Stupid mortal why do you look so... peaceful?"  The corpse had his eyes open almost as if he wasn't dead but he had lost color in his eyes they were a very pale bluish green instead of navy blue. His hair was as white as snow full of grey streaks showing he wasn't afraid to die, he didn't fear death, he didn't stress about death, he was okay with dying, and that is all. His name was Mathew Roe Maclear he was 5.03 feet tall and weighed 124 pounds and died at age 89 on Friday October 19th. Death closed Mathew's eyes feeling it was the least he could do for respect, other than that he felt bored and less fascinated by his own work. Death flew back into purgatory, he felt the sudden urge to tell Life an idea he had. Life was sitting down preening her feathered wings cleaning out all the yuck from her tears and the land of purgatory. Death went over towards her and sat down next to a pillar broken down from an old memory of an ancient civilization. Death began his lament. "Day after day is nothing but the same. Find a dead mortal, take it's soul, fly back. Find a dead mortal, take it's soul, fly back. Find a dead mortal, take it's soul, fly back!" Death laid down as if he was in pain and began to whine as a toddler does when not getting his way. Life just sat there thinking, this is just another phase and it will pass. "Well... what do you want to do?" Life asked Death hoping to change the subject and he would stop whining. Death sat up and started to munch an apple, to help him think. He then belched and Life looked at him disgusted. "Why don't we take a break and watch some mortals as they age, grow, and die." Life thought about the idea she then looked around what looked like a deserted land filled with nothing but old and young souls wandering, but it was just plain old purgatory. She then sighed and asked "What if I make a deal with you? If we let fate decide which mortals to be with from now on, you will have to give me a wish I most desire." Death gave her a look, a confused look. Life then raised an eyebrow in annoyance, as a few seconds passed. Death realized what she meant and gave a grim frown. He had a moment of thought, to try to get out of this very difficult problem. Then Death gave a sly smile towards Life he was about to get her to change her mind. " Honey apple, sweetie, sugar baby. You do realize that I am not fond with... conceiving a child. Let alone-" "Our child? Is our child." Life gave Death a literal death stare she was not taking no for an answer. "Right. Well it is as if we don't have anything else to do." Death said, he gave Life a nervous smile and he let out his hand. "Shake on it?" He asked, Life took the offer and firmly gripped his hand. Death pulled her in and they kissed it was a sign of a new eternity together. They went to the portal to the mortal realm. "What shall we use for a source?" asked Death. Life looked at his pouch full of apples. She then grabbed it from his sash. "This better be quick." he warned her. Knowing Death without apples, he might as well be as mad as a bull seeing red. "Just be patient." Life said as she stroked his beard trying to calm Death down, she then dropped the apple pouch down to the little town of Owensville. "Let's go." said Death he then flapped open his wings and thrusted himself into the air and offered his hand towards Life, she took it of course, they swooned down and at the last moment spread their wings. The apple pouch was left on a grassy yard right next to a sidewalk. Two children by the names of Jacob and Jasmine Schnicket both twins each 14 years of age. Jacob loves video games and studying about the history of anything, Jasmine loves a band named Blow Low and anything that is cute. Both are very pale and had dark circle under their eyes, Jacob is very tall, on the other hand Jasmine is very short, both skinny, but healthy. "You know mom and dad will want to know about everything so... what did you get on the biology quiz?" Asked Jacob. Jasmine gave him a look that gave him a cringe for what he asked, he knew what she got. "Gee I don't know what about an C or a D or an F!" Jasmine felt a little disappointment and angry in herself she thought it was stupid just because she drew a dolphin on the back of the quiz. Jasmine knew her parents weren't going to be happy about the doodle. "Even though I only got an C on my actual quiz, I find it so dumb that Mrs. Hollins is a party sucker, she sucks out all the fun. Mom and dad are going to kill me." Jacob thought for a moment as he noticed his sister's frustration. "How about this, tell them that you thought it would be nice to show your art to Mrs. Hollins and if they don't buy that then... I don't have any other excuses." Jasmine chuckled to the stupidity of her brother. They walked  in silence for 3 minutes, soon they both noticed a bag next to the sidewalk. Jacob first walked over towards the rustic looking bag, curious thoughts came into both of their heads. "What is that? It looks like a medieval coin pouch. " said Jasmine. Jacob grunted at the idea that Jasmine thought. "No way, it could be a gross doggy bag or a puke bag." Both headed towards the pouch, they looked at each other then back at the pouch. "Wanna do rock paper scissors to see who picks it up, and looks inside?" asked Jacob "Go ahead. I don't want to be traumatized." Jacob picked it up realizing it was as light as a feather almost as if nothing was inside it. Jacob opened the bag and screamed. Jasmine almost had a heart attack and fell backwards onto the ground. Jacob stopped and started laughing so hard he was about to piss himself. "What the hell was that for? Ya jerk!" Jacob kept chuckling "Oh come on the look on your face was priceless, you looked like Frankenstein when he sees fire." Jasmine began to laugh too eventually. "I guess I would've done the same thing to you." Jacob helped her up off the ground. Jacob grabbed the bag and thought it would be cool to keep as a souvenir and keep his game console in. They both ran home as fast as they could they realized that they wasted time and needed to get home before their parents do. As they went inside of their home it is always quiet and they always kept it that way, only turning on the radio or talking to one another or the tv was on, but they never had any screaming or crying in the house. Even as toddlers they were quiet and inseparable. The bond that Jacob and Jasmine have is unique, never had friends, but only one by the name of Jerry Sprung. He was a childhood icon, he was very polite yet rude at the same time, more like a mellow fellow. Jerry always loved jokes, pranks, movies and action figures. Jacob Jasmine and Jerry found each other at preschool. When they first met Jerry was in the corner making jokes to a stuffed teddy bear. Jacob and Jasmine began to eavesdrop on Jerry and began to laugh at the silliness and imaginative jokes. They were all a bit of a joke themselves. Ever since that day they loved every moment they have together. Meanwhile back at the house of the Schnicket's, Jasmine sat on the couch and watched a murder mystery of the gangs in Mexico while eating sour cream and onion chips. Jacob sat next to her and he reached over towards the bag of sour cream and onion chips she of course shared instead of fight since she was watching her favorite show. After one episode they got bored. So they went up to their separate rooms. Jacob read and studied for his history of the renaissance. Jasmine just went into her room to work on an art project of an adorable creature she was gonna make for her art class. Jacob laid on his bed reading a Leonardo Di Vinci biography and writing notes. Meanwhile Life and Death noticed where the apple pouch was. Death was able to sense where the pouch has gone by using his supernatural powers of sensing paranormal anon molies.  Life and Death were getting impatient, Death grew weaker and angry without his apples by each passing minute, Life grew more ambitious and eager of her hope. Soon Death will have his wish from the release of boredom. Life will have her wish of being a mother. Lastly the Schnickets will be in a whirlwind of a surprise.                                                              

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