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"Ah, finally back!" Lenalee said with a sigh of relief as she walked inside of the Black Order. After being on what felt like nonstop missions, she hoped she could now get a small break, especially with what she brought back: none other than a new exorcist for the Black Order. "Come on, this way!" She said cheerfully to the person beside her as she grabbed one of their bags and happily led the way through each corridor.

It didn't take long for them to reach the science department. The person glanced around behind their hood, gaining looks from different people who were curious of the hooded person behind Lenalee. Whispers could be heard as they walked.

Lenalee, after asking if her brother was at his desk, brought the two of them to a large room, filled with books and papers lying everywhere. Beads of sweat rolled down the person's face in concern, especially when noticing that Lenalee was acting like this was normal for her to see. In the midst of the messy room, there was a dark haired man appearing to sleep on a desk. Lenalee gave back the bag and motioned for the hooded figure to stay back. They decided to wait outside of the room, unsure of what was about to happen. After a long pause of quietness, suddenly they heard screaming and a crash. The hooded figure flinched, their heart pounding as they were taken by surprise. Meanwhile, everyone else in the room seemed to sigh. Why did they seem agitated?

Not too long after, a white haired boy, quickly accompanied by a slightly taller red haired boy, rushed over to the area with looks of concern on their face. The department of people smiled at seeing the two, a curly haired guy about to start a conversation with them until the doors beside the hooded figure bursted open with the man crying and clinging to Lenalee. "LENALEEEE!! I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE ME A CALL??" He said between sobs.

But Lenalee already seemed at her wits end. With one swift kick, she yelled "FOR THIS EXACT REASON, BIG BROTHER!!"

The hooded figure then understood what was happening. Lenalee has warned them that she had an overbearing brother. This seemed to make him stop though as he coughed, regaining his composure before turning to the hooded figure. Meanwhile, the two boys had been approaching beside Lenalee.

"Are you alright?" The white haired boy whispered to her, both sighing in relief as she nodded.

"So! You must be the new person arriving at the Black Order!" He said with a smile to the hooded figure. "My name is Komui. I'm the head of this department. It's nice to meet you." He held out a hand, smiling even more when they took his hand to shake it.

Lowering their hood pulling out their long hair, the girl with light brown hair smiled up to him, her blue orbs focused on his own. She had then let go of his hand, signaling to him as she smiled even more.

Everyone was in shock for a moment. The two boys stared at the new girl in awe. After taking a second to snap out of it, the red haired boy approached her and signaled back. This then took everyone by even more shock.

"L-Lavi?" The white haired boy said in confusion.

The boy named Lavi smiled over to him and signaled for the girl as he spoke. "This is Allen. I haven't told anyone that a past experience of mine required learning sign language." He then looked over at the girl, seeing her point to her ear. "Oh, sweet! That makes it a lot easier." He said with a small laugh, causing the girl to smile. She turned to the boy named Allen and waved before holding out her hand. Allen flusteredly shook her hand, but only to have the science department chime up.

"Oi, Lenalee, where did you find such a cute girl?" One person called out. This caused her face to redden from embarrassment. What did they mean? Lavi noticed this and chimed in.

"They're not wrong." He said with a wink. This caused her to get even more flustered as she fidgeted awkwardly with her hands. It was like a nervous habit for her.

"Oi, Lavi! You're scaring her!" Allen said while nudging Lavi. He might not know much sign language, but he did know a little through his travels. And anyone could tell that Lavi was flirting with her. He smiled down to the girl, who smiled back, almost as if in appreciation. This caused the exorcist to blush a little before turning to Lenalee who spoke up over the crowd of curious scientists.

"This is Ashla, and she's from a small city near London." A few people whistled as many chatted and cheered. All this new attention made Ashla tense up as she grew more reserved.

Komui carefully placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at the rather tall man. She didn't realize it before when he was clinging to Lenalee, but he seems like a rather tall, able man. It caused her to smile a little to see someone like that looking after someone as nice as Lenalee. "And I am happy to announce that she will hopefully be a new exorcist joining us." He continued after Lenalee. This caused even more cheering as everyone smiled and clapped. After smiling and waving off everyone, he spoke down to her "Let's get you settled in." She nodded as Lenalee took the cue to grab Ashla's things.

Ashla was curious as to what Lenalee was doing, causing the dark haired girl to smile. "Don't worry! I'm just taking this to your room. I'll be right back!" Ashla hesitantly nodded, deciding to follow after Komui.

Allen and Lavi exchanged glances, knowing that the new girl was going to have a new experience waiting for her. Allen shuddered a little, still slightly traumatized by his own first experience at the Order. Nonetheless, Allen and Lavi accompanied Lenalee to the new exorcist's room as Ashla and Komui quietly began their tour the building.

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