Settled In (Pt. 2)

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Not too long after seeing where everything was located, Komui decided it was time to visit a "certain someone."

Confused, Ashla cautiously followed. Her guard had been lowered since the tour, but it went right back up when lead to a dark bridge over a deep abyss, accompanied by people in chairs high above them. Fear started to creep into Ashla, wondering what this could have possibly been. While glancing around the room, she suddenly heard a beautiful yet loud womanly voice come from behind her.

"Who could this child be?" The woman said, causing Ashla to quickly turn around. She glanced at Komui nervously, who simply smiled and carefully removed Ashla's cloak. Very hesitant to allow this, Ashla reluctantly allowed him to, revealing a golden cross on the front of her neck. A few whispers could be heard, causing her to grow uneasy. However, the huge creature before her carefully picked her up.

This caused her to start to panic, but Komui called out to her. "Don't panic! Hevlaska is friendly!" He said with a smile.

Ashla was unsure of this, but tried her best to stay calm as multiple hands touched her shoulders, cheeks, ears, and especially her throat. She thought that it would choke her, but to her surprise she could breathe rather easily. This allowed her breathing to stay calm, as she soon heard the woman's voice again.


Even more loud whispers could be heard as Ashla looked around in confusion. Hevlaska carefully sat her down beside Komui again, who handed Ashla her cloak again. Both looking up at the creature, Ashla gave them a puzzled look. Hopefully the creature knew what she was wanting to ask...

"That is the percentage of your synchronization rate with your innocence. It's how well it adapts to you activating it. 88% is an excellent number!" Komui says with a bright smile, answering the question Ashla was wanting to ask. Komui was honestly very impressed to hear this. Is it true that she never had training before...?

"A new innocence...Heaven's Voice.....It has been stored to my knowledge." Komui smiled contently until both heard her continue. "But I must warn you. Your fate is one that will not be easy. There will be many trials ahead of you."

Ashla was concerned to hear this, but she didn't get much time to think about it as Komui waved off to Hevlaska before ushering Ashla away again. "Alright! Let's get you a uniform of your very own!"

Ashla looked at him puzzledly before they continued. "Have you not noticed? All three exorcists that you've already met had different tailored uniforms to their own choosing!" He said warmly, causing Ashla's eyes to light up with excitement.

Does this mean she's officially an exorcist?

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