Settled In (Pt. 1)

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"I hope her tour goes alright..." Lenalee said with a sigh as she carried Ashla's things, refusing help from Allen or Lavi.

"I'm sure she'll be alright! People who can't speak are a lot more capable than you think." Lavi replied though he stopped himself soon after. "However, I must ask...How does she activate her innocence?" He turned over to Lenalee, wondering if she knew anything. By this point, Allen had snapped out of his own thoughts and began to wonder as well.

Lenalee smiled to the two curious boys. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see." She said rather secretively, causing both of them to pout, knowing fully well she wouldn't say anything. To explain a bit, she added "It's not my place to tell you something like that about herself." This confused them even more. How could activating innocence be something personal?

"Can you at least explain what kind of innocence she has?" Lavi continued to pester for questions. "Come on, you can't just bring in a cute girl and not tell us anything about her!" Both Lenalee And Allen shot Lavi a look, causing him to shut up rather quickly.

She sighed, giving in a little. "All I can say is, she's not as quiet as you think. Her innocence doesn't allow her to talk as freely as one would wish. It's a shame that a parasitic innocence could do that..." Both men stared at her in shock. Lavi was surprised to hear she could actually speak, meanwhile Allen was surprised to hear her innocence was parasitic.

"Really?!" They asked in unison, Lavi being intrigued while Allen was shocked.

Lenalee blinked a few times before nodding. "Y-Yeah. She just prefers to sign if people understand her." Both men were fascinated by this information. How does that work? What does her voice sound like? They had so many questions, but that was all Lenalee was willing to share. "Come on, let's get her room ready for her." She said with a smile as they nodded in agreement. Everyone wanted her to feel welcome.

After preparing her room for a while, they were satisfied with how it turned out. Most of her things were left untouched due to privacy, but other arrangements such as towels and blankets were prepared for her.

After nodding in approval of the room, they made their way to the lower floors to see if they could find her and inform her that her room was ready.

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