This means War

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The next day came rolling on and Mari and Adrien was in potion class. Then, the Queen Bee came.
"Adrikins! Why don't you ditch this loser and come sit with me?" Chloe said while trying to drag Adrien away. Keyword: trying. "No Chloe, I like to be with my Princess!" Adrien said while going to Marinette and bowing for her. "Hehe, Kitty your embarrassing me." Mari told Adrien and booped his nose."You two act like a married couple." Alya said snickering."Alya nooo! Don't be like that." Adrien said. Alya and Adrien were talking while Nino and Mari were talking. Then came Chloe."I don't know what spell you used on my Adrihoney, but know that I will break that spell and he will love me again! Oh and Maritrash, this means WAR." Chloe burst out of the room."Don't listen to her Princess, I will never love her. I would pick you anytime." Adrien said while putting Mari on his back." Thanks Kitty. I would also pick you any other day." They laughed together until Luka came."Hey Marinette, wanna hang out after school?" Luka walked to her but Adrien's grip grew stronger."Sorry man, but we are gonna go on a date." Adrien said smirking."Wai--Oh yeah. Sorry dude."<--- Mari trying to friendzone Luka."Ughh, but your always with Adrien! And I know Adrien loves you but I can guarantee you that I can give you a better life!" Luka said while trying to get Mari off of Adrien.
"Oh no you don't! Capreno!" They disappeared and then reappeared in the library." So when is our date?" Mari asked smuggly. "I-- uhh, you still want to go on a date?" Adrien asked shyly. "Of course Kitty! Why wouldn't I want to go with you?"Wait, did I just agree on a date--with ADRIEN?! Well maybe I am finally falling for this silly kitty. "Ok then. We will go on a surprise date and it will start around 5. Does that sound good?" "Yeah of course Kitty."
"What should I wear?! I don't know how to do my hair. Wait I'll just ask Alya to come to my room!" Mari said while storming off to Alya's room."Alya! I need help. I'm going on a date with Adrien and I don't know what to wear! Please help me?" Mari pleaded." Chill girl! Of course I will help you, but if you don't want to be late, the we should start now." After an hour of getting ready, this is what Mari looks like:

" After an hour of getting ready, this is what Mari looks like:

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Her hair:

Her makeup:

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Her makeup:

"Ok Alya, I am ready!" Mari said nervously

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"Ok Alya, I am ready!" Mari said nervously. "You look amazing girl, now go get him!" Alya said while pushing Mari out of the door.
Adrien waited for Mari outside.
"Wow Princess, you look amazing!" Adrien said while blushing. "Well you don't look so bad yourself!" Mari said. Making Adrien blush even more. "Well, let's go then Princess!" Adrien said while taking Mari's hand in his and intertwining their fingers." Where do you think your going with Marinette?!" Luka screamed. "What the hell Luka? I'm going on a date with Adrien. What are you doing here?" Mari said angrily. "I'm taking you on a date." Luka said plainly while trying to hold Mari's hand. "No you don't, Mari is mine!" Adrien said protectively and stood in front of Mari. "Let's go Princess." Adrien snarled. "Of course Kitty." They walked off to their date. "So, I'm yours huh?" Mari said playfully. "Yes." Adrien answered bluntly. "And when if I may ask, had you asked me to be yours, hmm?" Mari asked. "Almost. At our dat I will ask you." Adrien said with a smirk on his face. Mari went 50 red and then just answered with a stuttering 'oh'.
"Okay Mari, close your eyes." Adrien said. "Ok, but I better not hit a wall or something." Mari said while closing her eyes.
After 10 minutes:
"Okay, you can open your eyes, we are here." Adrien said. "Wow, it looks amazing!"
How it looked:

"I'm glad you like it! Oh umm Princess, can I ask you something?" Adrien asked nervously while playing with something in his pocket

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"I'm glad you like it! Oh umm Princess, can I ask you something?" Adrien asked nervously while playing with something in his pocket. "Of course Kitty, what do you want to ask?" Mari said. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" Adrien asked while pulling out a box with a beautiful necklace.

 "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" Adrien asked while pulling out a box with a beautiful necklace

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"Adrien--I, Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend!" Marinette swung herself on Adrien and gave him a big hug. "And when you put on the necklace, nobody is aloud to lay a hand on you, especially Luka." Adrien whispered the last part. "Oh thank you Adrien! It's lovely. Here, I have something for you too!" Mari said and gave Adrien a bracelet.

 Here, I have something for you too!" Mari said and gave Adrien a bracelet

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"It's kind of the same as my necklace, it also protects you. Let's go home now because it's getting late." The walked home hand-in-hand.

Thanks guys for being so patient. School is almost starting again and we are electing prefects, so I'm really nervous. And I have 4 projects for the vacation, so remember to tell me what I can call you guys!

Noire out!
864 words

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