Chapter 1: Leading

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The sounds of arguing could be heard from inside the central meeting room of Camp Jaha. Indra and Lexa had arrived the day before for the official negotiations between the Grounders and the Sky People, as they'd become known by all clans. The Clans were willing to meet with a representative of the Sky People at the official yearly gathering but who would go had led to arguments between many of them. While battles had been settled a year before between the Woods Clan and Camp Jaha, it didn't mean the Grounders agreed on many of the things the Sky People did including rotating representation.

"You are to look weak to the Clans!" Indra yelled as she stood before Kane, Abby, Clarke and several other adults. "You say you want peace but the Clans will not accept you without a central leader, one that is permanent."

Lexa merely stood and looked at Clarke, "you are a legend among the stories of the Sky People, if you were to come then they would respect you and your people."

Abby shook her head from where she sat, "perhaps sending one of us that already is familiar with your ways would be more conducive to peace. Less confrontation and less misunderstanding, so we don't seem arrogant."

"There is not one among you that has such knowledge."

Clarke nodded, "Lexa's right, none of us are familiars with the Grounder ways."

"I believe she means Miss Blake." Kane met Clarke's eyes, "she lived among them and even has formed a relationship with one of them."

"If you speak of Octavia then I assure you that you cannot send her as your representative." Indra looked over at Lexa, the woman nodded. "You cannot send her, it would create only hostility."

Abby sat up straighter in her chair, "they would harm her? Just because she formed a relationship with Lincoln..."

"No Mom that's not it." Clarke looked over at her mother, "it would be sending one of their own to be our representative instead of sending one of us."

"I don't understand, what are you saying?" The doctor looked over at the two grounder women.

"Octavia maybe born of the Sky People but she is of the Woods Clan now." Indra sat down and met their eyes. "She could only go in representation of the Woods Clan, not Sky People. Her loyalty and bravery, despite her inability to follow orders, has made her one of us."

Lexa sat as well and looked over at both Kane and Abby. "I understand that you are the representatives of your people and while your ways are foreign to us, ours are equally foreign to you. Before your arrival, Clarke spoke for your people and she is respected as your leader. Let the Clans have her as your leader while you manage your people. It allows you to lead and the Clans to have who they wish."

"Fine." Abby put up a hand and sighed. "Clarke you'll go as our representative, however the decisions you make must be in accordance with the new laws we set up a year ago. I trust you'll make agreements we can abide by."

Kane leaned forwards and placed his elbows on the table. "How many guards is each representative allowed?"

"As the meeting will be at Polis in Wood Clan territory, she need not have a guard." Indra stated clearly, "however if you believe we would harm her, two of your men would be allowed as that is how many guards are allowed per leader along with five men fit for battle."

"I assure you that Clarke's life will find no danger." Lexa looked Abby in the eyes as the mother looked over in concern. "For to strike her is to strike me, they will not risk their lives to make such an attempt. I will provide five of my best men to see that she has men fit for battle and you can send both Lincoln and Octavia as her guards."

Clarke nodded, "we leave at dawn."

"At dawn then." Indra spoke and rose, heading to the door with Lexa following after a quick turn to look at Clarke, the blond nodding. Outside, Indra looked at her commander. "Are you wise to mix heart and duty once again?"

"I assure you that questioning my decisions are not in your best interest." Lexa spoke before heading to her horse, the animal was tied to the gate. Indra followed and grabbed her own beast, mounting as her commander did.

"Commander wait." They both looked up to see Clarke making her way over, striding purposefully towards them. Clarke grabbed the reigns of Lexa's horse and held the animal steady as she looked up at Lexa. "I must speak with you." Her eyes floated to Indra almost automatically, "preferably alone."

"I shall ride ahead and prepare the warriors." Indra spoke and headed towards the gate, the men posted opened it without hesitation.

Lexa allowed herself to slide from the horse and take the reins from the blond. "You say you wish to speak, so speak."

"I have only recently returned to Camp Jaha, two weeks ago I was still living alone at the drop ship." Clarke looked at the woman before her, "the laws have been in place for a year, I have merely learned them but I don't know them all. You know I desire peace for my people but the reality is I'm not suited to represent them."

"We are rarely ready to represent our people but we must do it with the understanding that it is for them that we conduct our actions." Lexa allowed her arm to rise and she gently squeezed Clarke's arm. "You have the strength and spirit of a leader Clarke and I shall be your ear for guidance if you permit me."

Clarke huffed slightly, "I can barely trust you, due to your actions I was left with no options but to murder innocent men, women and children." Pulling away from the leader's grasp, she noticed the slight hurt in the woman's eyes. "You mistake my words for reconciliation between us but there won't be any. Because of you I'm haunted by the dead."

"Then the blame I accept but I cannot change what has passed." Lexa moved to the horse's side and swung herself on it. "However, the next battle we fight together, it shall be together and we will not sacrifice our people without cause. I have seen the error my ways, I have had four seasons to do so but you do not allow yourself to forgive, which hardens your heart and blinds you to the world."

The blond on the ground looked up to meet her eyes. "You speak about feelings as if it's a battle plan, what has changed?"

"Perhaps in times of trial emotions can be a strength not a weakness. I allowed myself emotion in one battle since we fought the Mountain Men and as I said, I see the error of my ways. If you wish, I shall tell you of it during our journey."

Clarke let a soft smile go, "I'd like that."

"Rest well Clarke of the Sky People," Lexa let her eyes linger on the blond as she turned her horse towards the gate. "For in the days to come you shall find yourself among warriors and it will be a battle that you have not witnessed before. I can only be your ear for guidance when time permits, for the rest you'll stand alone."

"I've always been alone in some fashion, its not new to me."

"You are alone no more." Lexa's lips quirked upwards slightly, the beginning of a smile before it quickly disappeared. "At dawn we shall meet again."

"At dawn." With that Clarke watched Lexa ride away, the sun setting in the background but for the first time in a year she allowed herself to feel hope.

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