Chapter 25: From 3 to 5

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Lexa stood viewing the maps before as Costia sat nearby playing, Clarke in the camp assisting with finding tasks for the Skaikru. A soft brush of air by her leg made Lexa reach down to catch her daughter by her small waist, lifting the toddler from the ground with little effort. Costia pushed against her and grunted, clearly trying to get away.

"Leaving the safety of our tent is unwise my daughter."

"Down!" Costia yelled and hit her with both hands. "Down!" She started whining and twisting.

Grabbing her daughter's hands gently she shook her head. "We do not hit another my child, it harms them. Your hands have hurt me."

Little legs started kicking and Costia started screaming, causing Lexa to walk away from the maps to the private area of the tent. She sat on the bed she shared with Clarke and put Costia on her lap. Costia cried and pushed at her, "GO!"

"I will not go and you are not leaving the tent."

Clarke entered the tent prepared to start getting a meal together so that once Luka and Maya were finished with their tasks they could be told of what would happen to them. Before she could call for Lexa she heard muffled sobbing and moved to the private area to find her wife with their daughter. The girl was sobbing and Lexa was just looking down at the little girl, rubbing her back gently.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Mommy..." it was a sobbed cry and Costia held out her arms as if begging to be taken by her mother.

"Costia found her fists and legs to be powerful today, she harmed me in attempts to leave the tent." Lexa's voice was calm as she looked up at her wife. "I was allowing her to settle her anger."

Clarke nodded and gently touched Costia's back. "Costia we can't hurt people to get what we want." She kissed the toddler's head and stood up. "I will see you when we eat."

"Mommy! Mommy!" The little girl sobbed and yelled after her mother as she watched her walk away. Clarke paused at the curtain but saw Lexa nod in reassurance so she continued on despite her daughter's cries for her.

Lexa held her daughter close and kissed her head. "Your mother loves you my daughter, she will return and hold you when you have calmed your anger."

An hour later Lexa once again stood among her maps while a meal was prepared by Clarke at the table. Costia's crying had lulled her to sleep so she would nap while her mothers welcomed her new siblings. Lexa picked up a piece of charcoal and marked the map, listening as Clarke spoke to her.

"Echo left for the forest this morning, determined to complete some ritual." Clarke placed down plates. "Something about her son's spirit needing guidance."

Lexa turned to look at Clarke over her shoulder. "The child was too young to leave the ground with knowledge of how to find rest. Echo has gone to guide the child to rest so his spirit does not wonder alone tied to the ground without peace."

"Bellamy went with her, apparently the resident midwife broke the news that their son's sibling will join them in a few months. Echo violently denied it, telling the midwife she was lying in attempts to sooth the pain of her son's murder."

Soft green eyes found blue as Lexa took a seat at the table. "Does she speak true on the matter?"

"Bellamy's pretty sure she's telling the truth. Echo was sick a few weeks back and she hasn't bleed or so he told me in confidence. He's distraught with the fact that in the matter of three days he had a son, that son was slaughtered and then they are provided with another child."

"Perhaps allowing her son's spirit to find rest will allow Echo to accept the child under her heart."

Clarke tightened her hold on Lexa's hand, "that child we spoke of, it won't be possible now with our technology gone. Not unless..." she was cut off by Lexa's finger to her mouth.

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