Chapter 13: Friends and Allies

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Clarke stood rolling bandages and checking medicine stocks in the healing tent while her mother and Nyko worked with several other healers to care for the wounded. Two weeks had passed since she'd had to stand in for Lexa at the funeral of their guards as well as execute one of the warriors for treason and an assassination attempt. The morning that followed had heralded a rider from the Boat People stating they would arrive in half a moon's time. Given that at any moment they wound arrived, Clarke found herself trying to complete mindless tasks before talks had to be conducted.

In the two weeks since the execution, Clarke and Abby had gone about testing the water and food supplies for anything abnormal as well as Lexa ordering that all tents be searched as all that were not in the healer's tent stand in the middle of the camp. They'd found their real traitor, the one slipping the droppings from a hypnotic plant into the food. It was one of Ella's loyal warriors who masqueraded as a Trikru warrior in order to plant the seeds of inner betrayal into the minds of their army. She'd been executed without mercy the following day by Lexa herself, despite the leader's injuries. Since the girl's execution there had been no more betrayal and the battles hadn't been as brutal as before.

"Something's on your mind." Abby walked over and collected a roll of bandages. "What's wrong?"

The sky leader shook her head, "I'm fine Mom." She gave her mother a smile before turning back to her task.

"I'm your mother, I know you better than that." Abby put a hand on Clarke's arm, "what's going on, you can tell me anything you know."

Shaking her head she put the rolls of bandages in the small box they were stored in. "I'm just tired is all, I'll be fine once I get some sleep tonight."

"Is it the nightmares?"

"No, just tired from war." Clarke placed the ointments and medicinal liquids back in their box before sighing. "I need to go make sure that the tents are prepared for Luna's people, I'll see you later."

"Clarke," Abby grabbed her arm. "You don't have to do everything, I'm sure if you asked you could get some help."

Clarke nodded slightly, "I'll think about it, thanks."

Directing several warriors to set up a perimeter at the camp for the Boat People away from yet within range of both Trikru and Azkru was not a task Clarke had found herself enjoying. The warriors listened but also told her of any issues with the process and apparently the issue at hand was the hard ground. Posts were unable to be sunk into the ground and digging was having to be done. It caused the process to run at half it's normal speed so they'd only erected half the tents since morning.

One of the younger seconds ran through the camp and instantly stopped in front of her. Drake was only ten but strong and had bravery to match, Clarke realized if he'd been born on the Ark he'd have been among the hundred sent down due to his mischievousness and history of being reprimanded by his mentor often.

"Skai Heda, Boat People come."

She nodded and put a hand on his arm, "go inform Heda."

"Sha Heda!" Drake nodded before running between tents to get to the one she and Lexa shared.

Turning back to the warrior speaking to her, she surveyed what was completed and realized it would be a tight squeeze until the final ten were erected but it would work at that moment. "Continue until finished, if they come to rest direct them to the prepared tents."

He nodded to her, "sha Heda."

After glancing over the growing camp one last time she headed towards the central tent in the direction Drake had gone. It was a good five minute walk but she arrived just as several riders approached, one sliding off and immediately speaking in Trigedasleng. Clarke practically rolled her eyes as the woman commanded her to take her horse and see to its needs as well as prepare her tent.

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