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" a cold october night " — 🎃

the rustling of leaves blowing through the harsh october winds and shuffling of feet against the gravel; the only sounds heard by the ears of corbyn besson. he walked along the gravel carefully, tripping over large rocks that would catch on the crevice of his shoes.

nothing but darkness surrounded him as his body danced with the music coming from his airpods, humming along with the words. a red tint coated his cheeks and button nose, the shrill, cold wind blowing against his face with a shiver. corbyn tucked his hands into the sleeves of his sweatshirt, desperate for warmth as he finally noticed a bit of light up ahead.

he walked a bit faster, but the wind only grew harsher. his lips grew chapped and dry, hard to the touch. snap. the familiar sound of a branch snapping along the trail made him stop abruptly. hesitantly, he paused his music, removing his airpods from his ears before putting them away. "hello?" he asked.

his voice echoed through the forest, but heard nothing in return. "ah!" he yelled, flinching back once something had come trotting out of the bushes. corbyn placed a hand over his heart as he calmed down, chuckling to himself. "don't scare me like that, simba." he smiled, crouching down to pet the small tabby cat.

simba, who's name was actually leo according to his collar, was cleverly named by corbyn and few of his friends. they stumbled upon him whilst on their way to eben's (one of their best friends). he was a small cat, no older than a year. simba came out once in a while, always seeming to wander away from home at night.

"haven't seen you in a while, pal." corbyn smiled, fingers scratching behind the cat's ears, resulting in a purr. upon looking up to see the light once more, corbyn stood, waving a goodbye to the feline. thus, he continued his walk to eben's house where he'd meet up with his friends. usually, he'd get a ride from his boyfriend daniel; but he insisted that he walk to get some exercise in.

at first, daniel felt uneasy allowing his boyfriend to walk alone in the dark, but soon felt a bit better knowing corbyn would have his phone with him (which he sometimes forgot). corbyn continued walking, watching as the light emitting from the lantern hanging on the porch got closer and closer.

he stepped up the creaky wooden steps, which were quite old. spiders hurried into the crevices of the wood, as to not get stomped on by the boy who payed no attention. as he's been here so many times, corbyn twisted the doorknob, letting himself be engulfed by the warmth of the home, exiting the chilled air of october.

"took you long enough!" daniel exclaimed, arising from his comfortable seat on the couch to take his shorter boyfriend into his arms. "simba scared me. the little guy's getting so big." corbyn chuckled, pulling the hood of his hoodie off his head, ruffling his messy hair.

"i tried texting you, but you didn't answer. you had me worried." daniel spoke, placing a kiss upon corbyn's chapped lips. "you know there's no service out here." the blond smiled, slipping off his shoes before making his way into the living room where everyone had been congregated.

he sat directly in front of the fireplace, back feeling the direct heat. daniel sat next to him, intertwining their hands as corbyn laid his head upon his shoulder. "your fuck buddy here was practically ripping his hair out." tate, a preppy older girl spoke. daniel groaned, narrowing his eyes at her, "we're not fuck buddies. if anything you're talking about you and jonah."

a blush fell over jonah's cheeks, who sat just a few inches from the girl. "don't be rude." corbyn chuckled, placing a small kiss over daniel's clothed shoulder. "okay, fuck off with this couple shit." a male voice spoke, everyone's eyes shifting to eben. he sat in the corner of the couch, arms extending behind his head.

"if you just found yourself a girlfriend, maybe you wouldn't be so against us." jack joked, a grunt leaving his lips upon feeling a pillow come in contact with his face. "can we please just do something. i'm tired of listening to you guys argue." jonah groaned, rolling his eyes.

"we could... build a fort!" zach exclaimed with a shrug of his shoulders. "zach, we're twenty, not two." eben snickered, jerking towards him with a pillow in his hand. he laughed as the shorter brunet flinched, a pout on his face. "let's tell ghost stories like old times." a girl, who hasn't spoken the entire time suggested.

"oh! i've got one." jack exclaimed, running to turn off the lights. now, the only light in the room was the fireplace. he sat back down on the couch, moving closer. "i don't really wanna-" "gabbie, you'll be fine." tate spoke, clutching a pillow in her hands. "the legend of halloween." he spoke in a deep voice.

"i don't wanna-" "gabbie, shut up!"

"on a cold october night..."

- 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now