Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I walked back along Dove's Road towards Jacob's house, it was a dull morning. I stopped outside the door, I heard people talking inside. I heard Jacob's voice and a girl's voice. “You have to come, moron!” The girl's voice exclaimed.

It was Larath. I stepped away from the door. “What was that?” Came Jacob's voice.

I ducked round the side of the house just as Larath opened the door. “Hello?” She called out.

I held my breathe. “It must've been an animal.” Jacob said.

The door closed. I let out a sigh of relief. “Nash?” Came a voice behind me.

I jumped out my skin and nearly screamed. It was Seth. “Don't do that!” I hissed.

“What are you doing out here?” Seth looked around.

“Enjoying this nice day.” I said some what unconvincingly.

“Nash it's cloudy and dull, it might rain, what the hell are you doing?” He asked doubtingly.

“Jacob, you have to come!” Came Larath's voice once again.

“Oh my god, you are spying on Larath and Jacob aren't you!” He exclaimed louder than he should have.

“Someone's there.” Came Jacob's voice.

“Damn! Great job Seth! Idiot!” I ran off before they could see me.

Seth followed me. “Why were you spying on them?” He said once we were at a safe distance.

“I wasn't, I just happened to be there when they were having a private discussion.” I said defensively.

“Same thing, stupid!” Seth exclaimed.

“Oh hi there, Larath!” I said sarcastically.

“Oh woops! She's a bad influence on me.” He laughed.

“I really wasn't spying on them, I had only just got there and I heard them.........but your right I shouldn't have stayed and listened........sorry.” I looked down at the ground.

He put his hand on my right shoulder and put his head down so that his eyes met mine. “Hey, it's ok, I was just wondering. It's not like we have anything to hide.”

“Really? Because it didn't sound like I was meant to hear it.” I exclaimed.

“No it's fine, it's just Jacob and Larath have a lot of things to talk about. You know considering what happened....” He hushed his voice.

I looked at him puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Well you know, Jacob didn't exactly leave the pack on good terms with Larath.....” He said suggestively.

“I still don't quite gather what you mean?” I looked at him questioningly.

“Well the only reason he left the pack was because of Emily.....” Seth made a hand gesture as if to suggest I was an idiot or something.

“You mean his girlfriend?” I looked at him.

“Yeah, he was with Larath when he was in our pack. One day this 'new girl' came into town, Jacob got to know her quite well, and ended up dumping Larath for her, that was Emily.” Seth explained.

I looked round at Jacobs house. “Oh, I didn't know......” At that moment Jacob and Larath stepped out the door.

“Please Jacob! You don't know how much I need you to come back. If you don't, me and Seth will never be able to go home!” She sounded very desperate.

“Oh common' Larath, you know your parent's won't stick to that just as well as I do!” He said some what unconvinced.

“You don't ''KNOW'' that!” She exclaimed.

He looked at her. “Believe me Larath, I do.” He turned around and walked back into the house.

She looked round and saw us. “When did you guys get here?” She sounded upset.

“Only just.” I said quite unconvincingly.

She shook her head. “Really? It wasn't you we heard earlier?” She had tears in her eyes.

“Well, yes but......”

“Save it!” She turned and stormed off before I could finish.

“We should go after her.” Seth watched her go.

“No, we should leave her for a while.” I turned away and walked back into the village.

“Em.... okay?” Seth followed me.

“You don't wanna lose a leg do you? With the mood she's in you will.” I nodded in her direction.

“Poor Larath.....” Seth sounded like he was talking to himself more than me.

“Yea, poor Larath.” I looked round and watched Larath disappear into the woods.

Later that afternoon I went to find her. I walked around the forest. It was cold, I zipped up my jacket. “Larath!” I called.

I heard nothing. I walked deeper into the woods. “Uh, damn Larath, where are you?” I muttered to myself.

I looked around, nothing. “Larath!” I called.

I heard someone crying. “Larath?” I say quieter.

I followed the sound then found Larath sitting under a tree crying. “What do you want?” She wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

“Just came to see if you are alright?” I crouched down in front of her.

“Well I'm fine, so you can go!” Larath said angrily.

“Well I can tell your not.” I took a tissue out my pocket and handed it to her.

“It's just so unfair!” She cried.

“I know,” I sat down beside her and tried to put my arms around her like I had last night, but yet again she pushed me away.

“How do you know?!” She demanded.

“My parents are never here, they haven't been here for my birthday for ages.” I say gently.

“It's not the same,” Larath sniffed.

I leant my head back against the tree. “I know, but all I'm saying is that I can relate.” I said.

We sat there in silence, I took her hand. She looked at me but said nothing. She shivered, the wind had gotten colder. All she was wearing was jeans and a top. I took off my jacket and put it over her shoulders. She put her head on my shoulder, she was crying a lot less. I put my arms around her and this time she didn't push me away. I put my head on her head and we just stayed like that, listening to the forest animals around us. I concentrated on the sound of Larath breathing. Soon it began to get dark. I felt myself falling asleep. Larath had been very quiet. I looked down and realized, she had fallen asleep. I smiled and looked around. Most the animals had gone to bed and all the nocturnal animals came out, the owls, the bats, the hedgehogs. I thought back to when I was young and my dad had brought me here, we had hid in a bush and watched the badgers. Then later that night he had told me I was a werewolf. He had shown me how to phase into my wolf form. I had been 6 at the time so it was 10 years ago now. Larath cuddled up to me in her sleep, I looked down at her and pulled her closer to me.

“Nash....?” She stirred slightly.

“Yea.....?” I whispered to her softly.

“Why do you like me so much?” She was sounding better now.

I looked at her and smiled. “I don't know......there's just something about you....” She looked up at me.

I started to move my head closer to hers and she leaned in as well, our lips met, and  we kissed.........

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