Spinel X Sick Reader- Gone

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Hola my fellow croissants, lets get a little sad today ay?
requested by @kkhobbs23
Hope you enjoy!

Author's POV

Another day in the same room. You're sick of it, everyday waking up in the same white room. The only highlight of your day was when Spinel would come and hangout with you until the nurses had to force her out when visiting time ended. You loved how she tried to entertain you, doing tricks and joking around, telling you about how living wiht the Diamonds were. You loved all of it, the only thing is... your time was running out.

Your had told you the day she predicited your body would finally stop. You didn't tell Spinel because how could you? She'd be worried everyday and it'd make her sad. You wanted to tell her how much you loved her and everything she did for you, but you were too much of a coward. You blamed yourself for everything wrong that happens to you and your friends/family. You felt tears run down your cheeks, you brought yout knees up to your chest and cried softly to yourself. Completely forgetting that Spinel was on her way to come visit you, she even brought Steven with her, she had a plan to heal you.

you heard the door open, you quickly rubbed your tears away and looked over, seeing Spinel and Steven. "h-hey guys!" you waved, smiling. "hey (Y/N)! I'm so excited to see you! I have this plan to get you better!" she exclaimed you looked over at Steven and remembered his healing powers. you smiled your heart raced with excitment, the heart moniter beeped fast, then progressed you started to sweat and breath heavy, you were having a heart attack, one of the symptoms of your disease.

Steven noticed this and licked his hand, he ran over to you and placed his wet hand onto your skin, he waited for a moment but nothing happened. You grabbed the nurse button and hit repeadtly "Nu..rse" you breathed out, suddenly the door busted open, three nurses came in with your doctor "We're losing her! Get these two out!" She shouted, the nurses lead Steven out but Spinel fought back "W'what's happeing to her!?" she shouted, "honey please wait outside this is an extreme emergancy" The nurse told her, closing the door.

It had been two hours, your doctor came out of your room with a sad and disappointing look on her face, Spinel jumped up and ran to her, "How is she? Is she okay?!" The Doctor looked at her, she placed a hand on her shoulder "I'm truley sorry dear but, she's gone". Spinel felt her heart shatter, she ran in and saw you, laying on the bed peacefully. She shook you, but you wouldn't get up "(Y/N) please... get up" she wimpered tears flowed down her pink face. She sat down and held your hand, crying into it, suddenly a large gasp was heard.

You woke up, looking at Spinel you cupped her cheeks and said, "I love you Spinel, i always have" you kissed her forehead and then laid down, the heart moniter stopped beeping. You were gone.

Hope you enjoyed this depressing chapter, I might make a part 2 where you come back idk

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