Chapter 12

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After Ryan, Chaz, Justin, and Kara had lunch, Ryan and Chaz went home and Justin and Kara went to Kara's house.

Kara: Do you seriously like me like that?

Justin: Yeah. I just said that because they get on my nerves sometimes.

Kara: So what did you want to do?

Justin: Well there's this thing like every year. I think it's this farmers market thing, and there's this horse and carriage ride, and I was wondering if you wanted to do it?

Kara: Yeah I would love that, and I told you that you don't have to spoil me with all this stuff.

Justin: Well that's how I show my love to girls babe.

Kara: Well we've been going on dates for the past few days now.

Justin: I know because I love you.

Kara: I understand.

Justin: I got to go help grandma shop for things, so I'll be back to pick you up at 3 in the afternoon, so we can go to the thing.

Kara: Okay babe. *gives Justin a kiss*

Justin: Soon your parents are going to find out that you're kissing me. *kisses Kara back*

Kara: I don't care. Let them. Oh babe let's not have dinner together tonight. Okay?

Justin: Okay.

Justin drives to is house and Kara calls her dad.

Kara: Hey dad.

Dad: What?

Kara: I just wanted to say sorry for kissing Justin when we were at King's Buffet. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it.

Dad: It's alright. I will talk to you about this in the morning. Bye.

Kara: Okay bye. *haangs up*

Kara goes into the kitchen to go make dinner, until Pip called her.

Kara: *picks up phone and answers it* Hello Pip.

Pip: I need to ask you something. Does Ryan love me?

Kara: I don't know. Let me go onto Facebook and ask him. Then I'll call you back. Okay? bye.

Pip: Bye.

Kara hangs up the phone and she cooks her dinner and eats it. Then she goes up to her room and goes onto Facebook to talk to Ryan.

Kara: Hey Ryan, Pip was wondering if you love her?

Ryan: Yeah I love her. Hey I got to go. Dinner is ready bye.

Kara: Bye.

Kara logs off of Facebook and calls Pip telling her that Ryan loves her. Then Trine calls Kara.

Kara: *picks up phone and answers it* Hello Trine.

Trine: Chaz said that you wanted to talk to me.

Kara: Oh yeah. Chaz was wondering if you want to go on a date with him?

Trine: Tell him yes.

Kara: Okay I'll tell him that. I'll text him later. I'm really busy right now.

Trine: Bye.

Kara: Bye. *hangs up*

Kara gets ready for her date with Justin, until she got a call from her grandma.

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