Chapter 15

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Kara and Justin gets to his Range Rover and Justin opens the driver's side door for Kara. Then Justin gets in the passenger's seat and puts his Believe CD in and plays it and the two start to talk.

Kara: Why are you letting me drive? *puts seat belt on*

Justin: Because you're a good driver and you need to practice before getting your driver's license tomorrow. *puts seat belt on too* Okay you're good to go now.

Kara: Okay. So me and Pip were wondering why you're acting so sweet to me now?

Justin: I already told you. Because I love you.

Kara: Trine doesn't anymore.

Justin: Why?

Kara: Me and her got in a fight and she called me selfish because I don't spend enough time with her, when I hangout with her. She also said that she wishes that me and you shouldn't be together anymore.

Justin: What the hell is the matter with her?

Kara: I don't know. She's just jealous.

Justin: Oh okay.

Kara and Justin get to the carnaval and Justin pays for him and Kara. They go to a park bench to talk about Kara's birthday.

Justin: Oh I forgot to say this, but you look sexy in short shorts.

Kara: Aww thanks Justin.

Justin: You're welcome. So what are you going to do for your birthday tomorrow?

Kara: Well you're taking me to get my driver's license. Then I'm going to go have dinner with my dad, mom, grandma, and grandpa.

Justin: Oh that sounds fun. Can I go to the dinner with you and your family?

Kara: Not to be mean babe, but I really don't spend any time with my family. So it was just going to be me and my family. Sorry babe.

Justin: It's okay I understand. I need to spend time with my family anyway. Do you want to go ride a ride now?

Kara: Yeah let's go. Which one do you want to go on?

Justin: Fireball.

Kara: Really?

Justin: Yeah let's go. You'l be alright. Trust me.

Kara: Okay.

Justin and Kara get to the Fireball and they get on the ride. Kara starts to get scared until Justin kisses her. 

Justin: Kara it's going to be okay. I'm right here. If you get scared grab my hand and squeeze as hard as you want. Okay?

Kara: Okay.

The ride starts and Kara was starting to cry. So Justin went and held Kara's had for the first time, since they were dating. The ride was over and Kara and Justin buy one thing of cotton candy. 

Kara: Why did you hold my hand when we were on the ride?

Justin: I saw you crying, so I thought you wanted that to happen to make you feel better.

Kara: I have so much fun with you Justin.

Justin: Really?

Kara: Yeah because I love you. *holds Justin's hand*

Justin: *kisses Kara* I love you baby.

Kara: *kisses Justin back* I love you too babe.

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