Chapter Three

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Sarah hopped on her bike with Brittany and Morgan in tow. They were singing some song she didn't recognize, and very loudly at that.

The pool wasn't too busy, well, not as busy as it was on hot days. There were still a ton of people there, but not to capacity.

During summer, 13 and under got in for a dollar, which was one of the perks of the community pool.

Little kids screamed, throwing around a beach ball in the water as Sarah and her friends got in the pool.

They dumped their towels on some free chairs and got in the water. One of the best parts of hot days was the cool pool. The heaters broke years ago, and nobody bothered to fix them.

Competitions that had to do with the pool were Sarah's greatest ally. She could hold her breath for up to a minute, and had long arms granting her the ability to project splashes and protect herself.

She also learnt to swim early on, and could swim under water from one end to the other within 25 seconds.

The strange occurrences that led her to discovering the power within her began early on in the pool day, but in the beginning she didn't think anything of them.

Especially since Brittany and Morgan were both fine with competition, and were good at swimming.

Morgan giggled and splashed Brittany from beside, leaving her drenched in cold water. She turned around and glared at Morgan, as if she was her worst enemy.

The war took place from there, beginning with Morgan swimming to hide behind Sarah.

"You dingus! I'm not going to protect you, who do you think I am? Some pawn in your chess match?" she laughed and ducked under the water.

"That's exactly what you are!" Morgan shot back playfully, residing behind her.

"If you think I'm gonna protect you, you've got another thing coming-"

She was engulfed in the water. Her dark brown hair going jet black when it touched the water.

"Oh it's on!" she laughed, throwing a wave of water at Brittany.

But that's the thing, she didn't splash them, she threw it. Fresh blood ran from her nose, and she gasped lightly, wiping it away as if nothing happened.

The wave, it was so strong. So intense, so aggressive. Nothing as simple as shutting a door or anything like that.

A sense of dizziness came over her, Brittany's icy stare softening.

"Are you okay?" she asked, getting closer to her.

"I'm fine. I just need to sit for a minute." she heaved herself up to the deck of the pool, sitting on the side dipping her feet in the cool water.

The haziness subsided quickly enough, in a couple minutes.

Sarah leapt into the water.

"Asshole!" Morgan squealed, now covered in the cold water just as much as Brittany.

She flashed an award winning grin, disappearing under the water.

But things were only beginning.


Mike's job was boring. More than boring, more boring than listening to Max rant about skateboard bearings all day.

He didn't think that was possible.

And any waking minute not spent doing his stupid desk job was spent finding out the location of Brenner's operations.

It wasn't Hawkins National Laboratory, unless they relocated. He could've sworn the whole operation was being ran in Chicago. But maybe it was naive of him to think that.

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