Chapter Two

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"What are my parents like?"

The warmth of the cabin didn't necessarily drain, it only cooled. Hopper didn't know how to explain anything, nor did he want to explain anything.

"I'll tell you when you're older, kid."

She crossed her arms, scoffing. "You always say that!" she snapped, no longer happy or bubbly.

"You told me that when I was 6, when I was 8. Even when I was 10! And now, again! I'm 13! When am I gonna be 'old enough' huh?" she stood up from the couch.

It hit him like a ton of bricks. But it also made him want to laugh. She was just like her mother. She left the room, walking into the room she always stayed in.

The door slammed behind her.

About an hour later, Hopper knocked on her door.

"Come in." she sighed, sitting up.

He walked in, and sat next to her on the bed.

"I'm sorry I shut down your question. I'm sorry that I keep putting it to the side. I just, I still want you to be a little girl. You're my only grandkid, and I don't wanna lose you." he wrapped an arm around her.

"You remind me so much of her. With your sass, and your laugh. And your face. But, I also think of your smug dad." He chuckled sadly.

That was the first time he ever cried in front of Sarah.

"What were they like?"

"Well, if they were together, the world was at peace. But pandemonium struck when they were apart. I even tried to keep them apart a couple times, that was a bad idea."

"I just want to know them," her voice was quiet, close to silent.

"I know you do, kid. And everyone is working as hard as possible so you'll be able to know them. Believe me, they love you more than anything."

"Then why'd they leave me?"

"There are certain things they told me I wasn't allowed to tell you. Certain things they said wouldn't make sense coming from me. But soon you'll understand. I promise."

"People break promises all the time."

"Not the Hoppers. And not the Wheelers, either. And what are you?"

"A Wheeler." she sighed.

"Exactly. According to your parents, a promise is something you can't break. Not ever."

"What do they look like?" she blurted out.

Every time anyone had ever tried to show her images of her parents she shunned them away. For the longest time, in her eyes they gave her up for nothing. Meaning they wouldn't matter.

"I can show you." he smiled, standing up and walking over to what was once El's closet.

He pulled out a box. The label read El and Mike.

"Your mom MADE me keep this. She always fought to get her way, and she got her way quite often." he brushed the dust off. It was evident the box had been left sitting on that shelf unopened for years.

The first image he pulled out mesmerized her.

It was of two people. A man and a woman. A woman with mid length brown hair, and a million dollar smile. She was in a white gown, a veil covering her hair. She was beautiful.

Next to her, holding her hands, was a man. He had black hair, and his face was covered in freckles. His smile was just as big as hers, if not bigger.

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