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Setting the stage:

Era: Marauders

Year: 3

Warnings: None/Fluff

Ship: Wolfstar

POV: Sirius, Remus, James

A1 = First author (Nerd__Fish)

A2 = Second author (__POTTAH__)

-Also please note that any authors notes in the story are horrible jokes, we apologize in advance-


"I can't believe I made a bet with Peter... He can't stay in his animagus form all day... James tricked me... Dammit," I thought as I stretched my paws out on the grass, feeling the morning sun on my black fur as I closed my eyes to nap, "I wonder what Remus is doing... probably studying... he's so cute-" I felt someone pet my back.

"Oh, are you okay," I saw Remus in front of me. He bent down and put his hand on my fur. "You're so fluffy," Remus laid down next to me and I looked into his eyes. I wondered what he was doing outside.

"Where is your owner?" Remus asked. I wanted to turn back to my human form, but I didn't want to lose the bet, and I knew that I wasn't really ready. "Not to mention I really want to spend time with him..." I thought in the small corner of my mind. I tried to make my cutest, widest eyes and I guess they worked because soon Remus had gotten up, and brushed himself off and started walking away.

"Well come on!" Remus turned and motioned me to follow. I thought about lying down but I couldn't pass this opportunity up. I followed my crush as he set off.

After a lot of walking, my paws began to hurt, I finally felt my wrist that I had injured that morning. I slowed down and whines for attention. Remus quickly turned and saw me dragging my paw. "Are you tired? Poor puppy!" he cooed, "Here, let me carry you..."

He reached out for me, and I squirmed away. "NO. NO. NO. NO. I am not going to let my cru- REMUS carry me!" I quickly ran ahead of him, but stumbled on my sore paw, tripping, and plowing my nose into the dirt.

He chuckled lightly, how I love that laugh, and made another grab for me, one that I couldn't evade. He scooped my up in his warm arms, and I could hear his heartbeat as he pressed me close to his chest. His head dropped so that his face was looking down at me, I SWEAR I'M GOING TO DIE!

He took me outside the medical wing and set me down. He emerged with lots of things, some of which looked like they could actually help with my injury, and some others I was less sure of.

"Its okay puppy, I won't hurt you." I calmed down as he moved towards me slowly, "All I'm going to do is clean and bandage your paw, and kiss your nose, it will feel better, I promise."

"Oh.. Doesn't sound horrible, guess I'll just ha- WAIT KISS!"

I backed away, not even thinking that going into my human form was an option, not after what he said.

"Hey, its okay," Remus said, walking towards me and making sure that I would stay put by putting a hand on my back and making my lay down as his other hand quickly made sure that my paw would start healing well.

"Shhh... It's okay, you're fine," and other stuff is what Remus would whisper to me as he helped my paw heal.

After what felt like forever, but was really more like 5 minutes, my paw was beginning to feel better. Remus brought me into a tight hug as he sat on the ground, moving me so that my head was on his lap and he bent down, kissing me on the top of the head and then the nose. I swear even as a black dog I turned bright red.

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