A liar

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Y/n was a liar, she lied for a good cause. She wanted everyone to be happy, that meant not worrying about her and every other thing. She did everything for her friends and family to keep them happy, she forgot about herself. She was never truly happy as they thought she was, they thought she was as happy and genuine as they came. That led to her coming to depression, many reasons made her come into depression. She didn't do anything or say anything that made it obvious she was suffering from depression, they thought she was okay. She broke one day, she was the last piece of a puzzle. That piece of a puzzle disappeared and wasn't seen again, their friend y/n disappeared. She ran away, she thought they were never happy with her giving them her all. So she left, she was scared they secretly hated her, she was scared for many things. Nothing makes sense in her world, her point of view of everything is messed up. The police couldn't find her when she was in plain sight, she was following and protecting her friends. She was always there, she always saw her missing posters when following them. She tore those down, nobody needed to worry about her. She saw her deaf friend, she was great friends with her. Almost like family, that's what caused her to come out and expose herself and show she wasn't missing. When they saw their dear friend, so many emotions so many things went through their mind and feelings. Shoya shouted. "Y/n!" She heard her name shouted many times after he shouted, she heard them say so many things. Things happened so fast. She was missing for six days, the first two days she had things to eat and drink but they ran out quickly. She passed out, she always passed out easily so it was no surprise but her friends took it differently this time. She woke up in a hospital and was questioned for everything, they didn't expect her to say what she did. She's been through counseling since then. She's gotten better over the years, she's completely different from when they saw her that day. She grew up and lives in a good house with a fair amount of money to take care of herself. She was stable and lives a good life now, she's happy genuinely happy.

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