Chapter 3

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Sorry for the delay in posting this. Thank you for the votes! Hope you enjoy this!

Jeff entered the Hospital room where Brains,International Rescue's engineer and designer of the Thunderbirds andwho was Iranian, was just finishing placing the body of Diana Wintersin a steel coffin. Brains locked the coffin and looked up at JeffTracy, the famous billionaire who was an ex-astronaut who had been tothe moon and the first person to walk on Mars. He shifted hisglasses, which were always at a wonky angle. "H-hello M-mrT-Tracy. H-how c-can I h-help you?" Hiriam Kenneth Hackenbackerenquired.

"Hello, Brains. What are the results of theautopsy?" Jeff asked.

"W-well, b-based on t-the w-wing p-p-part th-thatK-Kayo found l-lying on t-the b-beach, ah..., I th-think th-that MrsW-Winters w-was involved in a p-p-plane c-crash. T-the autopsy alsoc-confirms t-that s-s-suspicion. S-she d-died on i-impact,"Brains replied.

"John says that, according to the GCD that thisDiana Winters is – was – a pilot," Jeff commented.

Brains nodded. "S-she w-was p-p-probably flyingt-the p-p-p-aircraft," Brains said. "W-what d-do w-we d-dow-with t-the body, M-mr T-Tracy?" the engineer enquired.

Jeff thought about what to do. "We should probablycall it into the authorities," he decided and then he turned andheaded back to his office.

Jeffrey "Jeff" Donald Tracy's office was neatand tidy. Everything was in it's right place and not one speck ofdust could be found in there. That was what the man was like and howhe liked things to be. He still could not get Gordon to keep his roomtidy, though. But, that happened after Jeff went missing, so Jeffrealized that that was how Gordon had dealt with his grief. Now thathe was back, Jeff hoped that his fourth son's room would become tidyagain. He sat down at his chair. He decided to turn on the news tosee if there was anything about a plane crash recently. He flipped aswitch on his desk and a holographic TV came up. He used some buttonson his desk to flick through the news channels. After trying several,he came to 8News, the Australian news show that had come up six yearsago in 2054 that always aired in the afternoon with the latest worldheadlines. On 8News, the main news reporter – Thomas Barry – wasreporting on a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean. Jeff was all ears.

"Two days ago, an AirBus 756 crashed into thePacific Ocean, around 1:34 pm, at the location of 27°16'05.0"S134°57'54.9"W.The Global Defence Force Search and Rescue team has found thewreckage. It is ruled by the enquiry that the plane's enginessuddenly failed and stalled during flight, possibly due to fuelshortages (the jury's still out on that), and the plane nose-divedinto the ocean, disintergrating on impact. The AirBus 756 was beingpiloted at the time by Ms. Diana Winters and was a cargo plane. Ms.Winter's daughter, Kerry Philips, was on board at the time, as shewas training to be a pilot. Their bodies have not been found andno-one knows their fate. Back to you, Darryl."

Jeff swiftly turnedoff the television and picked up his phone, dialling Colonel LauraCasey of the GDF.


Alan and Rae quietlyentered the patient's room where the girl was still sleeping. Theywere carrying some supplies in. Rae and Alan placed them on the floorby Virgil's feet where he stood with a clipboard and was ticking offthe boxes, opening them to be sure that everything was intact and notchipped or broken. "Oh, good," Virgil smiled at them. "Alandid not break anything this time."

Rae giggled as Alanscowled. "Very funny," he whispered so as not to wake upthe girl. Rae looked at the girl, who was stirring and making noisesin her sleep.

"Virge,"she whispered, pointing at the girl. "She's coming around."


Agent 15 quicklydisembarked off the ship and made his way to the GDF plane. Onceinside, he made his way to the toilets section. He stepped inside oneof the cubicles in the mens' and typed a quick text to his boss:

"Whatleads do we have to the USB?"

This phone thatAgent 15 had was specifically designed to be untraceable to the GDFso he could safely send that message. There was a few minutes beforehis phone vibrated (as he had switched it on 'silent'). He checkedthe ID. Blank, as was all from the man. He checked the message andreceived a shock.

"24,I have just heard some disturbing news about you. Call me NOW!"

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