Chapter 9

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"She's critical. She's inside there for two hours right now." John explained, a look of devastation on his face. Ryan was sitting on a chair, his head buried in his hands. 
"NO! Not Liz! Please not Liz!" I broke down crying on the floor, my leg hurting as fuck. But the pain still wasn't bigger than the one in my heart. "Just not Liz..." 

*(still) Abbey's POV*

We were a bunch of 6 devastated people (Jim + band), waiting forn any news from the doctors. Billie Joe and the others were already on the plane, the woman I helped on the crash site survived and has now her little daughter next to her in the hospital bed.

Everyone but Liz seemed to fine.

Everyone but my best friend.

"Exactly eleven years ago she lost her parents in a carcrash...and exactly eleven years after that car crash she's got another one." Jim shook his head. "It's all my fault..."

"Don't say that. It's no one's but that driver's fault, who drove our car against ours..." Ryan soiunded tired angry.

*Tre's POV*

Just a day after I arrived back in the U.S., Ryan called me.

"Ryan? What's up?" I greeted him. I was a bit confused, because the rest of the band practically never called me.

"There was a accident...a car crash...Liz...she's...she's in surgery right now...she's critical." I heard him breaking down on the other end of the line.

"We'll be over there as fast as possible!" I almost screamed, grabbed a few things and ran to the car to get Mike and the Armstrongs.

I was full of worry. I wanted to see Liz alive.
Our Lassie.
Our daughter.
Liz, you gotta hold on! Damn, you fucking have to hold on!!!

*Jake's POV*

We were on the plane soon to nbe landing in Vienna.

Twelve hours have passed, and we still don't know what exactly happened, and the most important: if Liz was alive.

Today we had to meet them in London, surprise them backstage. And instead, we have to hope that Liz will make it.

"She can't die. Not now. She's been fighting for so long, she can't give up!" Mum cried. Actually, We all felt like crying. But Dad, Uncle Mike and Uncle Tre seemed to be especially devastated.

*Ryan's POV*

Liz wasn't allowed to die. I loved her too much. All of us loved her. Her talent, her personality, everything about her wasn't allowed to leave this planet.

Lara sat down next to me and put her hand onto my shoulder.

"Here. It's coffee. So you don't fall to sleep while we hear she's made it." she handed me a plastic cup. In the other hand she held her own.

"To Liz. She's gonna make it." I raised it. The others raised theirs too, or nodded. Abbey raised her bottle ofpain killers she stole from the nurse.

"To the girl who let our lives shine brighter. Now let's make hers shine as bright as possible"

I drank the coffee. It tasted terrible, but gave me energy. I wasn't allowed to fall asleep. Not until I know how she's doing.

*Abbey's POV*

Liz was pretty long in surgery. By now, also Agnes has arrived. Tomm and Maddie were on their ways too.

And the Green Day Family just stormed towards us.

"How is she? Is she alive? Please tell me she's alive!" Adie was desperate.

I just wanted to tell her wht I knew, when the doctor came out of the surgery room.

Everyone of us held their breaths.

"I assume you are the family?" he turned to Billie Joe and Adie.


(A/N: veeeerry short filler cliffhanger! haha I'm such an asshole.

Anyways, the offer with the dedications is still open - just comment or PM me if you want to :3

Btw, there you have a pic of Liz. :3

Love y'all,


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