Chapter One - "Our Same as Always"

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Pre-Note: (Y/N): Your Name. Put in your name here. It can be whatever name you want!

"I'm hungry!"

That was the voice of a close friend of mine. Uehara Himari, the bassist of Afterglow, the band she's in. We're all close in the band. We're all close friends, but I've been the closest to Himari.
I cheer on them when they perform, and we do pretty much everything together. We all go to Haneoka together. In the same class, even. We were talking at the front gate of our school, deciding where to go next, since classes ended for the day.

"You're always hungry," Moca-chan said.

"Says the one that eats bread at Yamabuki Bakery all the time!" Himari said back.

"Hey! I send all the calories to you, Hii-chan!" Moca replied, smirking.

"Ehhh? I'm not gaining weight! P-please stop teasing me!"

"C'mon, Moca. Himari's still following her daily calorie routine, right?" Tomoe said, looking at Himari.

"Thank you, Tomoe," Himari said. "But I really am hungry. Whaddya all say to eating at Hazawa Coffee? Talking about it made me hungrier!"

"I'm all for it!" Tsugumi jumped up in excitement.

"Well, of course you are," Ran said. "That's your coffee shop, Tsugu."

"It sounds like a great idea," I said.

Everyone looked my way.
"(Y/N) has spoken," Himari said. "Coffee shop it is!"

For whatever reason, my word is taken as absolute law. The only person who can overrule my vote is Ran-chan, but she usually goes along what our collective mind is thinking.
We all marched on over to Hazawa Coffee. Tsugu works there, but her family runs the place. We hardly see them because they're always busy. Some people were there that I recognized, like Lisa-chan and Yukina-san.
We sat down together at a table. I was in between Ran and Himari.

"And sit down, Tsugu," Tomoe said. "You're relaxing with us, not taking our order."

"Sorry!" Tsugu apologized before sitting down.

Shortly afterward, a waitress came to our table.
"Eve-san? Oh, you're helping today!" Tsugu said.

"Yes!" Eve said. "I'm here to take your orders!"

"I'll have the chocolate cake," I told her.

Himari's eyes lit up.
I wasn't sure why.

"Hii-chan, you order next!" Moca-chan said.
Himari kept on staring at the menu.

"Actually, we're not ready to order yet..." Tomoe said.

"I'll turn in your order, then I'll come back!"
Eve walked off.

"What's goin' on, Himari?" Ran asked.

"I just love chocolate so much!" Give me your cake, (Y/N)!"

"Huh? No way! Order your own cake, Himari!" I told her.

I ended up buying her a chocolate cake. As usual, her promise of never asking me for anything again came with it.


After we all had our fill, we all left toward home. Not Tsugu, because Hazawa Coffee is also her home. I walked with Himari. We always walk home like this.

Our catchphrase, 'same as always'... We say that, but in actuality, we've changed so much. Himari, and by extension, all of Afterglow, have been my best friends since our third year of middle school.

"Our Same as Always" - Himari x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now