Chapter Two - "The Party"

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The next school day ended. It went the same as every other day. We all headed to the live house. I watch Afterglow practice, cheer them on, and help them to the best of my ability if they're stuck.

Tsugu works the hardest. I admire her work ethic. She's also part of the school council, and works at her family café, so she works super-hard. So hard in fact, that she fainted once.
Actually, maybe I shouldn't be that hard-working...

"Hey, Himari, I heard Hanazono-chan wanted to talk outside," I told her.

"Hanazono-chan? Oh, Tae, you mean! Okay, I'll be there right away!" Himari dashed out of the room.

Immediately, the rest of us put our heads together to think of what we should do for Himari-chan tomorrow.

"Birthday cake to eat," Moca-chan suggested.

"Tons of balloons," Tomoe said.

"A new bass guitar!" Tsugu shouted.

"No, that's too much money," Ran said, shooting the idea out.

"Well, birthday cake is a given," I added. "Chocolate, of course. And also… a special guest."

I got confused looks from the others.

"Special guest? It'll be a ton of money to get a celebrity. Maybe you mean Ran's dad?" Tsugu said.

"No," Ran chimed in quickly. "That's too embarrassing."

"Hmm, then maybe Minato-senpai? I love her singing," Tomoe said. "Ako tells me everything about her."

"Minato-senpai is always busy. Moca, maybe you can ask Imai-senpai to ask her for us!" Tsugu suggested.

"Can't," Moca said. "Minato-san's got important practice tomorrow."

I sighed. I never got a chance to say who's the real guest. Someone I know well and can do it for free!

"Listen!" I shouted, quieting everyone up. "Our special guest tomorrow will be…"

Everyone agreed.

Tomoe slammed me on the back again. "Great thinkin', (Y/N)!"

"Erm, actually… I have another thing I want to do for Himari-chan…" I added.

"What is it? Ran asked.

"I want to take Himari-chan somewhere special. Just us two," I told them.

"Ehh? Is (Y/N) going to ask Hii-chan out under the moonlight all romantic-like?" Moca teased.

"Huh? No!" I told her. "I just want to make her happy for her birthday."

"That's fine!" Tsugu said. "Thanks for telling us. We'd find out eventually, anyway. You're as bad at hiding secrets like Ran-chan!"

"What?" Ran asked.

Suddenly, Himari-chan barged back in the room.
"Hanazono-chan said to say "hi" to you all, and to remind her that (Y/N) has to take her shopping and out to eat at Yamabuki Bakery."

That's the deal I settled for. After school, I bumped into Tae -- we call her Hanazono-chan -- and asked for a quick favor. Distract Himari-chan for ten minutes while we plan for her party. That way she can't eavesdrop on us if we ask her to do an errand.
In return, she wanted me, specifically me, for some reason, to take her shopping at the mall and to take her to eat at Saya's bakery. She probably had that line all ready for that exact moment.

"Count me in," Moca said. "I can't pass up a chance for our (Y/N) to buy me bread!"

The rest of the afternoon passed by. It took me a really long time to finally go to sleep. The thought of buying Moca-chan all the bread she wants at the bakery scares me.

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