Chapter Three - "Himari and the Chocolate Factory"

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The factory was even bigger indoors. Chocolate as far as the eye can see. Definitely Himari's biggest dream come true.
She dashed from place to place, faster than the time we went to the convenience store. Maybe I should've brought a tent, I might be here all night, knowing Himari! But I do also have a goal for myself here, too. Another final gift for Himari.
I picked some heart-shaped chocolate for her. It's nowhere near Valentine's Day, but they do sell it here.
I did it while she was distracted, piling tons of small pieces of chocolate into a bag. I'm guessing I have to buy those...

"(Y/N), come here! There's a tour going on over there!"
Himari pointed to a group of people lining up for something. As we joined the group, they suddenly stopped talking amongst themselves.

"Oh! There comes the Chocolatier!"

"Huh?" I said. "Who's that?"

"Whoever it is," Himari replied. "It's probably someone amazing and cool!"

Everyone began to clap. A rather short girl with short hair showed up.

"What the…? Rimi?" Himari was shocked.

Someone tapped Himari on the back.

"You mustn't say that name! It's 'Chocolatier' to you! Ushigome-san won't like that!"

"What? Himari-chan?" Rimi said, walking to Himari. "What are you doing here?"

"Better question," Himari told her. "Is what are YOU doing here?"

"Well, even though this place is sorta new, I come around here so much, they call me the 'Chocolatier'.
Today they said I could lead the tour around the factory.
Also, they have a contest. If you come 100 times in a month, you can choose a new chocolate-related item for them to add!"

"100 times? In a month? What are you at?" I asked.

"99! One more tomorrow, and I want them to add choco-coronets here," Rimi said to me. "Also, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm (Y/N)," I told her. "Wait, you were just at our party earlier! We beat you here?"

"Huh? Oh, you're with Himari-chan… You never told me you had a boyfriend!"
Himari turned red.

"B-b-boyfriend? I mean, this is like a date…"

"Well, let's start the tour. C'mon, you two." She walked to the group of people.

"I dunno," Himari told me as we walked with the group. "I'm friends with Rimi, but I was expecting the Chocolatier to be… someone… more…"

"I get it," I replied. "Some fancy guy or something."

I still had the chocolate I bought for Himari with me. It was in a bag so she wouldn't see it.
She still had her chocolate in her bag, too. I estimate it to cost me… a lot of money.

Our group came to a huge room. It seemed as if everything was made out of candy.

"Whoa!" Himari was in awe of everything.

"Hold your breath. Make a wish. Count to three." Rimi said.  "You can try to eat anything in this room. Just not me, I don't taste like a chocolate cornet."

Himari dashed straight for a tree that had mint candy hanging from it.

"Want some?" Himari offered Rimi and I.

"Ah, um, I don't like mint…" Rimi kindly refused.

I took a closer look at the room again.

"Hm, everything is edible?" I said. "Even the grass?"

"Our Same as Always" - Himari x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now