Chapter Five - "A Song for the Sunset"

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(Author's Note: I happened to upload this on Himari's actual birthday, so happy birthday, Himari!)

I received no news from them for the entire day. They're up to something. And I thought we promised to never hide anything again!
I went to bed that night wondering what it could be.
Certainly not my birthday, though I had to think about that for a second.

When I woke up, I expected some message from them.

Nope, not one!

Well, to be honest, when they do send me a message, I always respond late. At least it's better than Ran, she always leaves us on seen.
As I arrived at school, I did see them waiting for me by the gate.

"(Y/N)! Heeeey!"
Himari greeted me with her usual pep.

"Why were you guys all quiet last night?" I asked.

"We were doing girls' stuff. Like makeup and all that," Tomoe said.

"But we don't wear--"
Moca started, but Tomoe stopped her.

"Yes! Makeup, accessories, all that stuff! Right, Tsugu?"

"Err, yeah! Right!" Tsugu nervously said.

"Yeah, I'd sooner see visitors from the planet Mars than see Ran put makeup on,"
I told them.

"Yeah, 'cause Ran is cool just the way she is!"
Himari said to her.

"U-uh," Ran visibly blushed. "I… just like wearing this…"

"We need to get to class now," Tomoe said. "We'll talk after school!"

I knew something was up. Tsugu is bad at telling lies. But I let it slide and we all went to class together.
Class passed by pretty fast, and I can say I was too busy thinking of Himari than my work.
Finally, school was out, and Ran and the others rushed me out.

"We're going to Ran's house as usual!"
Tomoe told me.

We arrived at Ran's house. Her dad, as usual, welcomed us in.

"Hey, Himari," Ran's dad greeted us. "You left your guitar here. Afterglow's guitarist can't do such things!"

"Ehe… Actually, Ran's Dad-san… That was on purpose. Also… I'm the bassist," Himari told him.

"Oh! Sorry, Himari! Well… have fun, then! And don't stay up too late, Ran," he said.

"Dad! I know!"
Ran spoke out.

They led me to Ran's room, where there were already instruments laid out.
They must've been practicing yesterday.
They all went to their instruments and picked them up. Usually, Ran sings in the front, but Himari was in her spot today.

"(Y/N), we're going to sing you our song. You know it already, but this song means a lot to us,"
Himari told me.

I felt special. Not just to Himari, but to the rest of Afterglow.
It was definitely Himari who told them to do this.

"This is our song just for (Y/N), 'True color'!"
Himari shouted.

Once they were all done tuning their instruments, they began to play.
They normally sing with microphones at the live house, but here, it was just them and their instruments. 
It felt informal, but even more personal. It was a wonder how Tomoe and Tsugu got their instruments indoors. But now isn't the time to think about that.

Himari, this time, was singing the lead vocals.

The lyrics seemed to change a bit. Not the words, but the meaning behind them.
This song is about Ran and how she felt before... but… when Himari sings it, she seemed to put extra effort in them this time.

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